Re: review MT draft

>>>2/ my main comment is w.r.t. the need for unasserted triples
>>>i.e. one could assert e.g. rrr ppp ooo.
>>>suppose rrr is a resource which is a set of triples
>>>then those triples in rrr are *not* necesarily asserted
>>>OK, this is when ppp is something like log:implies
>>>or something else where we need dereferencing rrr
>>>(or rrr could be identified by value such as in N3)
>>>anyhow that rrr can be a set of unasserted RDF triples
>>This point seems to go beyond RDF as it is currently constituted, so
>>unless we plan to open up this issue of resources being sets of
>>triples, I propose to ignore this issue for now.
>fair enough (for the current state of the art of RDF MT)
>but I think that "resources being sets of triples" are evident

Well, of course a resource can be anything, so I guess it can be a 
set; but saying that is one thing, and expecting to be able to get 
inside the set and access its contents is something else. That is a 
whole other issue that involves in effect adding a set theory to RDF. 
It might be a simple set theory, but its still a big step from here 
we are now.

>(also in the light of tagging them or so, so this is
>in a way related to the "(drop) reification" issue
>and after all to the use/mention stuff)

Yes, I agree it is related.

>  >Mind you, that might be a good issue to open up, if folk feel that it
>>doesn't go beyond our charter. (?)
>I mind :-)

OK, let me try to write up some ideas which arise from recent webOnt 
emailings together with this and maybe that will get things started. 
Some time next week.


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Received on Friday, 18 January 2002 19:00:01 UTC