from July 2008 by subject

[ACTION-16] ... proposal regarding use of transform that has parameter for passing xml model

ACTION 12: Review archive from maint. group to revisit type issue

ACTION-166: Re-run tests with updated RNG schema

ACTION-6: Sean Mullan to Investigate ebxml liasion

Agenda F2F 16-17 July 2008 v2

Agenda: Distributed meeting #1 2008-07-29

Belated introduction: Thomas Roessler

Changing Signature algorithm implementation requirements

EXI and XML Signature

For the F2F: Suggestion for a minor addition to XML Encryption

Fwd: Request for Comments on Widgets 1.0 Requirements Last Call WD

fyi: algorithm references

Introduction Konrad Lanz

Introduction Shivaram Mysore

Introduction: Ed Simon

Introduction: Frederick Hirsch

Introduction: Magnus Nyström

Introduction: Rob Miller

Introduction: Scott Cantor

Introduction: Sean Mullan


ISSUE-35: test from vivien (please disregard)

ISSUE-36: Tracker test #2 [WG-Tools]





Principles and Requirements presentation


Some strawman ideas concerning <ds:Transforms>

Use cases and requirements

Welcome to the XML Security WG

What do we need to learn about XPath 2.0

XML Schema validation after adding a signature

XPath 2.0 presentation - next steps?

Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2008 12:25:03 UTC