Introduction Konrad Lanz

Hello everyone,

I'm a professional research assistant and software developer at IAIK/SIC
maintaining the XML Security Toolkit (XSECT). IAIK has been working with
XML Security since its early days.

My involvement in this field started about three years ago and I have
directly and indirectly contributed to revisions of XMLDSig and related

 - XMLDSig second edition (XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG)
 - C14n 1.1 (XML Core WG)
 - OASIS Digital Signature Services (OASIS-DSS) (now OASIS-DSS-X)
 - XAdES v_1.3.2
 - ...

I'm a member of the predecessor of this working group and the XML Core

I'm primarily interested in reducing the complexity of XMLDSig while
largely maintaining forwards and backwards compatibility and the usage
for long term signatures in document based applications.


Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2008 19:36:13 UTC