
I'd propose we keep the following substantive products starting up:

- XML Signature and Canonicalization V Next Requirements
- Design for XML Signature V Next
- Design for Canonicalization V Next
- XML Encryption V Next
- XML Signature Best Practices

Maintenance deliverables:

- XML Signature Syntax and Processing
- XML Encryption Syntax and Processing
- Canonical XML 1.0
- Canonical XML 1.1
- Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0
- Decryption Tranform for XML Signature

In terms of editing work, I suspect that it's not worth moving the
maintenance deliverables to xmlspec.  It will be worth moving C14N
and Signature to xmlspec once we know what shape these deliverables

I also propose that we use xmlspec for the Requirements.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>  +33-4-89063488

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2008 15:10:19 UTC