from February 2008 by thread

The 'href' attribute (Thursday, 21 February)

p:log feels clunky James Fuller (Sunday, 17 February)

p:pipeinfo James Fuller (Saturday, 16 February)

xproc static and dynamic error output as xml James Fuller (Tuesday, 12 February)

[closed] Re: Execution order of steps in a pipeline Norman Walsh (Monday, 11 February)

Parameter input ports with sequence="true" (Monday, 11 February)

[closed] Re: Default bindings for non-primary inputs Norman Walsh (Friday, 8 February)

[closed] Re: Output from for-each that gets evaluated zero times Norman Walsh (Friday, 8 February)

[closed] Re: A few items cherry-picked from comment #54 Norman Walsh (Friday, 8 February)

[closed] Re: p:set-attributes - attributes with the "xmlns" prefix Norman Walsh (Friday, 8 February)

Re: Comments on Editor's Draft 9 January 2008 Norman Walsh (Friday, 8 February)

Re: Handling of system IDs Norman Walsh (Friday, 8 February)

Re: Scope of options Norman Walsh (Friday, 8 February)

Re: A few items cherry-picked from comment #54 - proposal for p:label-elements Alex Milowski (Wednesday, 6 February)

p:string-replace clarification James Fuller (Wednesday, 6 February)

p:insert and matching nothing James Fuller (Wednesday, 6 February)

some brief nitpicking re p:insert and p:add-attribute James Fuller (Wednesday, 6 February)

propose a implementation defined warning mechanism James Fuller (Tuesday, 5 February)

comment 37, do u not mean comment 36 in editors draft ? James Fuller (Tuesday, 5 February)

add to implementation defined section James Fuller (Tuesday, 5 February)

embed date in schema docs James Fuller (Tuesday, 5 February)

Fwd: clarify boolean James Fuller (Tuesday, 5 February)

Re: Excluding prefix on p:inline (was Re: XProc Minutes 31 Jan 2008) James Fuller (Tuesday, 5 February)

Response headers in p:http-request Vasil Rangelov (Sunday, 3 February)

Serialization parameters as parameter ports Vasil Rangelov (Saturday, 2 February)

Last message date: Wednesday, 27 February 2008 09:23:10 UTC