RE: Comments on Editor's Draft 9 January 2008

> / was heard to say:
> |> / was heard to say:
> |> | 1. Section 4.7.1 (options). From the schema (rng) it 
> looks like the 
> |> | shortcut form can only be used for atomic steps and "other"
> |> compound
> |> | steps. Why isn't it possible to use the shortcut form also
> |> on built-in
> |> | compound steps (such as for-each or group) which can
> |> specify options
> |> | in the "long" form?
> |> 
> |> I think the shortcut form only makes sense on atomic steps where 
> |> there's a declaration for the option. On compound steps, 
> allowing the 
> |> shortcut form would be both a declaration and a binding and so 
> |> there'd be no way to tell if there was a typo or something.
> |
> | But isn't it the same also with the long option form? I mean, it is 
> | also a declaration and a binding.
> Yes. We could make
>   <p:group px:some-random-attribute="value" ...>
> be the same as
>   <p:group ...>
>     <p:option name="px:some-random-attribute" value="value"/>
> but it would never be possible to detect errors because 
> there's no declaration against which to compare the short 
> form. Given that we don't think options on compound steps are 
> going to be very common, we're being conservative and not 
> allowing the short form.
> |> | 5.Section 4.1 (p:pipeline): "All p:pipeline pipelines have
> |> an implicit
> |> | primary input port named "source' and an implicit primary
> |> output port
> |> | named "result". Any input or output ports that the
> |> p:pipeline declares
> |> | explicitly are in addition to those ports and may not be 
> declared 
> |> | primary."
> |> |
> |> | So, is it allowed to explicitly specify the implicit 
> input/output 
> |> | ports inside p:pipeline? If so, is it possible to redefine their 
> |> | properties (primary, sequence)? Is the following permitted?
> |> |
> |> | <p:pipeline>
> |> |   <p:input port="source" sequence="false"/>
> |> |   <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
> |> |   <p:output port="result2" primary="true"/>
> |> |   ...
> |> | </p:pipeline>
> |> 
> |> No. The implicit declarations of source/result cannot be 
> repeated or 
> |> changed. Of course, you can use p:declare-step if you want to have 
> |> different values.
> |
> | Now I am really confused. Does the specification mention this 
> | possibility (declaring a pipeline with different primary 
> input/output 
> | properties)?
> I think so. The intent is that if you use the p:declare-step 
> form, then you can declare any inputs and outputs you like 
> for a pipeline. If you use the shortcut form, p:pipeline, 
> then you get exactly one input and exactly one output. You 
> can add additional non-primary inputs and outputs, but you 
> can't change the primary "source" and "result".
> Maybe it would be cleaner if we didn't allow you to add others.
> Cleanest of all would be to remove the p:pipeline altogether, 
> but I think that would be awkward.
> | I also thought it was not possible to declare different names than 
> | "source" and "result" for primary pipeline input/output ports in 
> | p:declare-step (the "source" and "result" strings seem to be quite 
> | hard-coded in section 4.1 - p:pipeline), but after reading section 
> | 5.8.2 (declaring pipelines) again, I am not that sure any more. It 
> | looks to me now that I am free to declare any primary input/output 
> | ports on a pipeline...
> If you use the declare-step form, you're free to do anything you like.
> The constraints on source/result only apply to the syntactic 
> sugar "p:pipeline" form.
> Is that any clearer?

Yes, it is. Thanks for responding to this. I guess I am fine with the
way how it works now, except there is still one thing I am not that
happy with: Because the pipeline must have a "main" (or top-level)
p:pipeline, the specification is effectively forcing the pipeline
author/user to use a certain "interface" (the "source" and "result"
ports, plus maybe some additional ports). Internally, you can declare
any sub-pipelines you want, but on the top level, you don't have this

While I can see the reasoning behind fixing the "source" and "result"
ports, I think it can makes certain things difficult to achieve (unless
wou want to use ugly workarounds in your pipelines). I understand that
the most common use case is: take XML document(s) - do something -
output result XML document(s), but there may be other (even though
possibly weird) scenarios, such as the following:

Pipeline that takes one XML document on its input and saves it using the
p:store step (the pipeline has no primary output):


  <!-- TODO: add some code that checks that
       we got exactly one XML document -->

  <!-- p:store has no primary output, so
       make sure the "result" output port
       is bound to something... -->
    <p:input port="source">

Notice that I still have to provide some data to the "result" output
port of the pipeline, even though the result data is not important at
all for the calling application.


Vojtech Toman
Principal Software Engineer
EMC Corporation

Aert van Nesstraat 45
3012 CA Rotterdam
The Netherlands 

Received on Monday, 11 February 2008 08:33:41 UTC