from July 2012 by subject

[(nowhere)] [Bug 13392] i18n-ISSUE-72: BOM as preferred encoding declaration

[Bug 14689] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 17744] Treatment of xml:base and xml:space appears contradictory

[Bug 17745] xml:base and xml:space allowed on foreign elements, but also forbidden

[Bug 17890] New: xml:base and xml:space allowed on foreign elements, but also forbidden

[Bug 17890] xml:base and xml:space allowed on foreign elements, but also forbidden

[Bug 17976] New: xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 17976] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

A thought about profiles

Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2012 July 11

Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2012 July 25

Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2012 June 27

LEIRIs (from John Cowan)

Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2012 July 11

Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2012 July 25

regrets for today

TPAC meeting openess

xinclude ponderance

XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2012 July 16

XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2012 July 2

XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2012 July 30

Last message date: Monday, 30 July 2012 19:27:34 UTC