from September 2017 by subject

[w3c/payment-handler] Ability to set default instrument for given handler (#173)

[w3c/payment-handler] Add [Exposed] to all interfaces (#215)

[w3c/payment-handler] Add [Exposed] to PaymentInstruments interface. (#216)

[w3c/payment-handler] Add userHint to PaymentManager (#206)

[w3c/payment-handler] Allow Payment instrument to respond with user data (#218)

[w3c/payment-handler] Clarification of "instrumentKey" language (#212)

[w3c/payment-handler] Clarify empty instrument key meaning. (#208)

[w3c/payment-handler] Define PaymentRequestEvent.respondWith() behavior. (#194)

[w3c/payment-handler] Make explicit which origin to use in conjunction with payment method manifest. (#209)

[w3c/payment-handler] Relation between merchant order of payment methods and payment app order of instruments (#116)

[w3c/payment-handler] Removed section on instrument grouping with closure of issue 153 (#213)

[w3c/payment-handler] Return origin of payment app in PaymentHandlerResponse data? (#217)

[w3c/payment-handler] Security addition (#214)

[w3c/payment-handler] Suggestion: replace `PaymentWallets` with a property on `PaymentInstrument` (#153)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Add an excludedFields BasicCardRequest parameter (#29)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Add text about why the api can reduce need to store credit card information (#18)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Clarify the required behaviour for options parameters (#26)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Clarify this specification is intended to become a W3C Note (#27)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Define processing model (#39)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Editorial: use Adam's text as intro (#42)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Gather default test data values (#41)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Leave Off Unneeded Information (#5)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] list/registry of approved card network identifiers should be listed in references section (#32)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] PaymentResponse missing filters (#28)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Processing note should be normative text (#34)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Propose text about why the api can reduce need; without any recommendations (#16)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Relationship to PaymentRequest (#40)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Standardize `environment` member (#41)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Things needed to publish as note (#43)

[w3c/payment-method-id] Auto publication no longer needed (#51)

[w3c/payment-method-id] Clarify CR exit requirements (#50)

[w3c/payment-request] "Exposing available payment methods" is confusing given the existence of canMakePayment() (#629)

[w3c/payment-request] 'Pull' Payment Bias in API spec (#499)

[w3c/payment-request] .updateWith() example says "throws" (#620)

[w3c/payment-request] .updateWith() should only be callable if event was canceled (#589)

[w3c/payment-request] 404 on some tests (#630)

[w3c/payment-request] Add Exposed= to IDL interfaces (#611)

[w3c/payment-request] Add support for crypto currencies (#627)

[w3c/payment-request] Add support for crypto currencties (#627)

[w3c/payment-request] After CR, evaluate if being a UUID is a must (#588)

[w3c/payment-request] Are integer values for PaymentCurrencyAmount.value left as integers? (#624)

[w3c/payment-request] Auto publication no longer needed (#621)

[w3c/payment-request] Candidate Recommendation

[w3c/payment-request] Canonicalize PaymentAddress.languageCode (closes #602) (#605)

[w3c/payment-request] Chore: Minor link fix (#619)

[w3c/payment-request] Clarify CR exit requirements (#598)

[w3c/payment-request] Clarify the `displayItems` are not shared with payment handler (#626)

[w3c/payment-request] Construct and set attrs on PaymentAddress (#607)

[w3c/payment-request] CR check list (#520)

[w3c/payment-request] Creation and assignment of PaymentAddress is underspecified (#603)

[w3c/payment-request] Decide on currencySystem (#617)

[w3c/payment-request] Do not show payment requests for non-fully-active documents (#579)

[w3c/payment-request] Documentation error? 55 + 5 = 65 (#622)

[w3c/payment-request] Dont block UI if .updateWith() not called (closes #589) (#591)

[w3c/payment-request] Duplicate shippingOptions lead to inconsistent `updateWith()` - should throw! (#594)

[w3c/payment-request] editorial: Clarify wording to not imply 'pull' only payments (#474)

[w3c/payment-request] Editorial: explicitly Expose=Window IDL interface (#612)

[w3c/payment-request] Editorial: removed extra "the" (#616)

[w3c/payment-request] Feature Request - Pre Authorization (#633)

[w3c/payment-request] Fix PaymentAddress attr definition (closes #601) (#604)

[w3c/payment-request] If requestShipping is false, pr.shippingOption should be null (#609)

[w3c/payment-request] Implementation examples of PaymentAddress.languageCode (#608)

[w3c/payment-request] Implementation of PaymentAddress.languageCode (#608)

[w3c/payment-request] Integration with Feature Policy (#600)

[w3c/payment-request] Less pull centric (#599)

[w3c/payment-request] Make iframe allowpaymentrequest normative (#618)

[w3c/payment-request] Move to an incremental feature release model (#625)

[w3c/payment-request] Only select shippingOption if asked to (closes #609) (#610)

[w3c/payment-request] onpaymentchange event to validate payment details (#634)

[w3c/payment-request] Pay method for testing environment (#613)

[w3c/payment-request] and PayerResponse.payerPhone (#606)

[w3c/payment-request] PaymentAddress attribute definition is wrong (#601)

[w3c/payment-request] PaymentAddress.languageCode lacking canonical form (#602)

[w3c/payment-request] Populate implementation report (#560)

[w3c/payment-request] Pre-calculate shipping costs for available addresses (#615)

[w3c/payment-request] Pre-filter shipping addresses, e.g. by country (#614)

[w3c/payment-request] Regulatory Compliance Support (#632)

[w3c/payment-request] Section for A11Y Considerations (#450)

[w3c/payment-request] shippingOption description is misleading (#534)

[w3c/payment-request] Should user agent validate currency? (#490)

[w3c/payment-request] Suggested emphasis of privacy protections (#628)

[w3c/payment-request] Throw on dup shippingOptions ids (#596)

[w3c/payment-request] Typo fix (#623)

[w3c/payment-request] UAs should not alter value string (addresses #624) (#631)

Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2017 17:49:53 UTC