Re: [w3c/payment-request] Construct and set attrs on PaymentAddress (#607)

marcoscaceres commented on this pull request.

> +              [[!ISO3166]] alpha-2 code, or to the empty string if none was
+              provided.
+              </li>
+              <li>If <var>request</var>.<a>[[\options]]</a>.<a data-lt=
+              "PaymentOptions.requestPayerPhone">requestPayerPhone</a> is
+              false, set the <a>[[\phone]]</a> internal slot of
+              <var>address</var> to the empty string. Otherwise, set the
+              <a>[[\phone]]</a> internal slot of <var>address</var> to a user
+              provided phone number, optionally formatted to adhere to
+              [[!E.164]], or to the empty string if none was provided.
+              </li>
+              <li>Set the <a>[[\languageCode]]</a> internal slot of
+              <var>address</var> to a <a data-cite=
+              "!BCP47#section-4.5">canonicalized language tag</a>, or to the
+              empty sting if none was provided.
+                <div class="issue" data-number="608"></div>

I'll make the issue description better before merging. 

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