from January 2016 by subject

[Minutes] 11 Jan 2016 Teleconference

[Minutes] 25 Jan 2016 WPIG meeting

Agenda: VCTF Brad Hill Interview - Friday, January 8th 2016 - 12pm ET

Agenda: VCTF Christopher Allen Interview - Thursday, January 28th 2016 - 4pm ET

Agenda: VCTF Dick Hardt Interview - Friday, January 29th 2016 - 1pm ET

Agenda: VCTF Drummond Reed Interview - Wednesday, January 27th 2016 - 5pm ET

Agenda: VCTF Michael Schwartz Interview - Friday, January 29th 2016 - 2pm ET

Agenda: Verifiable Claims Briefing Call - Tuesday, January 5th 2016

Agenda: Verifiable Claims Teleconference - Tuesday, January 19th 2016

Agenda: Verifiable Claims Teleconference - Tuesday, January 26th 2016

bKash and the Gates Foundation...smashing it in India

Concerns around Web Payments HTTP API de-prioritization

Deloitte Blockchain

European Banking Authority (EBA) Discussion Paper on strong customer and secure communication under PSD2

Fwd: Re: Verifiable Claims and W3C

FYI: European Banking Authority (EBA) Discussion Paper on strong customer and secure communication under PSD2

FYI: W3C Member review of Web Authentication Working Group Charter until 25 January

No VCTF call on Tuesday Jan 12th

Open API initiative by Swagger

Regarding use cases [Was: Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-19]

SCAI - update with Credit Transfer and Direct debit flows

Signing JavaScript/JSON business messages - Two different approaches

Talk about Payments Accessibility User Requirements at APA call

VCTF Use Cases update

Verifiable Claims and W3C

Verifiable Claims Task Force approved

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-05

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-08

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-19

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-26

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-27

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-28

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-29

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-29-1

Web Payments Community Group Browser API Polyfill Released

Web Payments IG Telcon - 2016-01-18: No Meeting

Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2016-01-11 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes

Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2016-01-24 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes

Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2016-02-01 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes

Web Payments IG Telcon Minutes - 2015-11-30

Working on the VCTF Use Cases

WPIG / fisrt notes on PSD2

Last message date: Sunday, 31 January 2016 18:16:36 UTC