from January 2006 by subject

[CANCELED] ERT WG teleconference on Wednesday 25 January, 2006

[CONFIRMED] ERT WG face-to-face meeting on 27-28 February, 2006 in Cannes, France

[ET TF] Minutes for Teleconference on 25 January, 2006

[ET TF] Minutes for Teleconference on 9 January, 2006

[REMINDER] Register for the ERT WG face-to-face meeting

About TestRequirement

EARL Conformance Statement

ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 1 February, 2006

ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 11 January, 2006

ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 18 January, 2006

ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 25 January, 2006

Example 9

Hera - RDF description


Minutes for Teleconference on 11 January, 2006

Minutes for Teleconference on 18 January, 2006

mode "mixed"

New EARL 1.0 Schema Editors' Draft

proposal too add more criteria for searching tools list

RDF entry for CommonLook Website Testing Tool

Regrets Re: 25 January, 2006

Some doubts about the Schema

Test results for evaluations of live/streaming content

Tests, Requirements, Evidence, and Methodologies

Uaw description

Update for HTTP in RDF

Updated ERT home page

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2006 18:27:49 UTC