Re: Audience measurement permitted use issue-25

Whether audience measurement will be a permitted use is still an open issue (#25, as you note).  Lee Tien has submitted a change proposal that would only allow deidentified data to be used for audience measurement (though that may not be necessary, as you can use deidentified data for anything under the standard).  You could suggest a friendly amendment to Lee that it would be better to just remove audience measurement as a permitted use entirely, or submit your own change proposal.  We will discuss more tomorrow.

On Oct 1, 2013, at 11:17 AM, "Mike O'Neill" <> wrote:

> Justin,
> I notice that audience measurement is now listed as a permitted use in the TPC and I thought that this had not been agreed. I would like to make sure that the option to remove it as a permitted use is still available to us after tomorrow, as this was the accepted position before now.
> There is already the option of using OOBC or UGE to allow a consenting panel and IMO not enough of a case has been made for unlimited use of unique ids for this purpose even when users have explicitly indicated they do want to be tracked.
> Mike

Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 15:26:19 UTC