Re: [ALL] agenda 28 Nov telecon 1800 UTC

i will not be on the telecon today.
I am not sure if chris welty will be either (we both a pi meeitng tomorrow  
and may be in transit during this telecon).
here are a few notes:
An oep  telecon was held last week nov 21. 
here are a few highlights:
- there have been comments on the time note and jerry and feng are in the  
process of responding
- the semantic integration note had some active work done on it with chris  
menzel., mike uschold, deborah mcguinness., and chris welty. in smaller groups  
and in one 4 person telecon at iswc.  there is a draft up on the oep site  
although chris m. is in the process of making a significant update to the note  
resulting from the iswc discussions and email follow-up.
- we expect some progress on the units and measures note from a planned  
meeting from elisa kendall and evan wallace (and i think elisa will be on  today's 
call to report more).
In a message dated 11/27/2005 6:40:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:


See below, sorry this is late.

Jacco/Girogos: I have  not placed the decision to pulish the Image 
Annotation note on the agenda,  as I have seen no new version. Let me 
know if I missed  something.


AGENDA  Teleconference
W3C Semantic Web  Best Practices & Deployment Working Group
28 November 2005, 1800  UTC
1000 (West US)
1300 (East US)
1800 (London)
1900 (Amsterdam),
Duration: 60 min

Bridge:  +1.617.761.6200 conference code 7927# ('SWBP')
IRC Chat:  (port 6665), #swbp
Web-based IRC (member-only):

Chair: Guus  Schreiber / David Wood
Scribe: tbd (pls volunteer)

Please note that  SWBP&D WG telecons are for attendance by members and 
invited experts  only.

1. ADMIN (15 min)

Roll  call

PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 17 Oct  telecon:

PROPOSED  to accept the Galway ftf minutes:

PROPOSED  next meeting 12 Decembe.

Agenda amendments


2.1  Proposed resolution httpRange-14

ACTION: Ralph, DavidW,  and DavidB to an initial draft of TAG 
resolution impact on semweb application developers
[recorded  in]

2.2  DAWG

ACTION: Brian to review SPARQL Last Call  document
[recorded in
ACTION Brian to work with David about the WG comments
about SPARQL

ACTION Jeremy to provide a phrasing about XSDT.

2.3 OMG: ODM  review

ACTION Elisa to send new ODM link to the  WG

2.4 Protocol and Formats WG request

Message from PFWG:

ACTION: Guus to arrange telecon between himself, Alistair and
PFWG [recorded in
ACTION: Alistair and Guus to help the WAI Protocol and
Formats WG on their vocabulary [recorded in

2.5  Other

WSDL 2.0 RDF Mapping Working Draft  published:


3.0 General

ACTION on  all document editor's to use the appropriate
style for  editor's drafts:

3.1 PORT - Porting Thesaurii to RDF and  OWL (Alistair)

ACTION: Ralph to prepare the SKOS public  WD for publication
[recorded in

3.2 OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns  (Deb/Chris)

ACTION: Guus to review OWL Time note  [recorded in

ACTION: Alistair to review Qualified Cardinality note
[recorded in

ACTION on Chris and Alan to work with Ralph to make
part-whole ready for publication

ACTION:  Chris to move QCR note to W3C pace
ACTION: Chris to move  todo's to the changes section
ACTION  Alistair, Jeremy,  Jeff to review QCR note
DONE by Jacco:
ACTION: Jeremy action to send comments to the list on
the non-use of the duration datatype
ACTION Evan to send note to Feng on discussion of semantics
ACTION Guus to bring issue wrt URI space for ontologies
to the SWCG
ACTION Chris to ensure Feng gets  signed up for the WG

ACTION: Raphael Georgios S, Fabien,  Phil to
review Semantic Integration note

ACTION Dan to investigate spatial relations work in SWIG

3.3  WordNet (Aldo)

ACTION  Alistair, Brian, Ben, Jacco,  Jeremy to review WN
draft by 25 Nov
Review Caeeoll:

3.4  XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes (Jeremy)

ACTION: Jeremy to  prepare a new draft of XML Schema datatype
prior to F2F  [recorded in

ACTION: jc explain non-montonicity and  interoperability
issues by email

3.5  VM - Vocabulary Management (TomB)

Proposed update TF  description:

'HTTP Cookbook' editor's draft

3.6  HTML - Embedding RDF in HTML (Ben)

ACTION: Jeremy write a  formal description of the CURI
proposal for WG consideration  [recorded in

ACTION: DanBri to ask TF for sign-off on  putting the draft
xhtml vocab to the WG for review. [recorded  in

ACTION: Ben produce schedule for getting RDF/A  editor's
drafts docs ready for WG review [recorded  in]

ACTION: ben to contact alistair on use of frag id's
[recorded in]

3.7 ADTF -  Applications and Demos (Libby)

ACTION Libby) to make the  wiki pager the list the doc
files of the applications  and parse them into HTML.

ACTION Libby to fix the demon  that do work.
ACTION Libby to send an email to SWIG about  it.

ACTION Ralph to identify ADTF as input for the  propose SWEO

3.8 RDFTM - RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability  (Steve)

PROPSED to publish the Survey document as Working  Group Note:

3.9  Tutorial Page

ACTION Fabien send the mailing list the  resources of
education materials from EU  projects.

ACTION* Benjamin to send an email to the mailing  list
about positive and negative  feedback.

ACTION: Ralph cite relevant CG meeting  records
regarding SemWeb Education & Outreach  discussions
[recorded in]

3.10 SE -  Software Engineering

ACTION: JeffPan to check on getting  Holger to join the WG
[recorded in

ACTION: Jeff Pan to make sure Holger Knublauch  gets
signed up
ACTION: Jeremy Carroll  to send review comments on SE
Primer by 25  Nov
ACTION: Elisa Kendall to send review comments on SE
Primer by 25 Nov
ACTION Ralph to check if there's a  formal policy issue wrt
implicit endorsement
ACTION Phil Tetlow to check the copyright on the
ACTION danbri: draft a bit of text  pointing to SWIG
ACTION: Phil to make sure that an email is  sent to the
list about how the primer document will  handle the
listing of products
ACTION  Guus to include publication proposal in Nov 28
ACTION: phil/danbri to see how to proceed  with
discussion of ODA draft in the SWIG
ACTION: jc send some more constructive comments on ODA

3.11 MM - Multimedia Annotation

ACTION: Libby to review Image annotation editor's draft
[recorded in

Review by Mike:

ACTION MN editors to work with Ralph on publication
ACTION Guus to include publication proposal in Nov 28

4. AOB

Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 17:17:58 UTC