from February 2015 by subject

2nd Participation Call: Workshop on Negative or Inconclusive rEsults in Semantic Web (#NoISE2015) @ ESWC

57 days to submission deadline -- Bioontologies SIG and Phenotype Day at ISMB/ECCB 2015

[bioportal-announce] NCBO BioPortal 4.14 Released!

[CfP] Linked Data Quality #LDQ2015 Call for Papers

[LLD] CANCEL: Dataset Descriptions telco today 8AM PST / 11AM EST / 5PM CET

[LLD] Reminder: Dataset Descriptions telco today 8AM PST / 11AM EST / 5PM CET

Agenda for Tue Dec 23 HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup / W3C HCLS COI call -- FHIR Ontology Motivation & Requirements

Agenda for Tue Feb 10 HL7 RDF / W3C COI call: FHIR Ontology Requirements & Common model

Agenda for Tue Feb 17 HL7 RDF / W3C COI call

Agenda for Tue Feb 25 HL7 RDF / W3C COI call: FHIR RDF

Agenda for Tue Feb 3 HL7 RDF / W3C COI call: FHIR Ontology Requirements & Common model

AlCoB 2015: extended submission deadline 9 March

Announcing OpenLink Virtuoso, version 7.2.0!

Business & Economics Academic Conference - Portugal

Call for Papers: The 9th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2015)

Canceled Event: [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco @ Mon 2015-02-02 11:00 - 12:00 (HCLS)

Canceled Event: [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco @ Mon 2015-02-09 11:00 - 12:00 (HCLS)

Canceled Event: [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco @ Mon 2015-02-23 11:00 - 12:00 (HCLS)

cfp: 11th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2015)

CFP: 1st International Workshop on Summarizing and Presenting Entities and Ontologies (SumPre 2015) @ ESWC 2015

CfP: KR4HC’15 / ProHealth’15 (in conjunction with AIME'15)

CFP: Special Issue on "Knowledge Engineering Methods and Applications in Pharmacovigilance"

challenge us with your submission

Dataset descriptions

FHIR Datatypes to OWL mapping

FHIR examples for driving ontology developments?

Fwd: JSON-LD for emerging healthcare standard (FHIR)?

Fwd: Linked Geospatial Data use cases

Fwd: Position open: Knowledge Integration Engineer

InfoSec 2015: registration deadline 3 March

Introducing linkedSPLs (linked structured product labels) - bio2rdf

Keynote: Larry Masinter (Adobe) at Sepublica

LATA 2015: call for participation

New version of RDF Terminology mapping

Recruiting participants for testing new ontology authoring interfaces

Reminder: Biocuration Conference 2015 workshop survey

Statistics about the linked data cloud

Summary of HL7 RDF / W3C COI call

Summary of HL7 RDF / W3C COI call: FHIR ontology progress

Summary of HL7 RDF / W3C COI call: FHIR Ontology Requirements

Summary of HL7 RDF / W3C COI call: FHIR Ontology Requirements consensus & Common model work

TSD 2015 - First Call for Papers

Last message date: Saturday, 28 February 2015 20:43:33 UTC