Re: Summary of HL7 RDF / W3C COI call: FHIR Ontology Requirements

> On Feb 7, 2015, at 9:03 AM, Robert Hausam <> wrote:
> Lloyd, that's certainly correct with the "upper bound", given the conditions that you describe.  If an instance has 5 of "something" when it's declared that it should have 4, then the reasoner can clearly determine that the instance is invalid. 

Not if the reasoner doesn’t know that the 5 “something” are different from each other. In addition to OWA, OWL doesn’t make "unique name assumption" (UNA). When checking cardinality constraints, in addition to OWA, you need to state whether the individuals are distinct.

Samson Tu                                                     email:
Senior Research Scientist                               web:
Center for Biomedical Informatics Research  phone: 1-650-725-3391
Stanford University                                          fax: 1-650-725-7944

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 16:36:45 UTC