next Scientific Discourse (larger group) concall: Tues Mar 2 @ 10am EST / 15:00 GMT
[COI] Tcon Today: Feb. 23, 2010 11:00 - 12:00 EST
BioRDF Telcon
Fwd: [open-science] Launch of the Panton Principles for Open Data in Science + Is It Open Data?
LODD Telcon Minutes
Request for "Good" Ontologies
NCBO Webinar - Margaret-Anne Storey, Feb 17
TMO Telcon
OTM 2010 - Call for Workshop Proposals
LODD Telcon
Submission deadline extension for FWCS2010, Raleigh, NC
part of a diagnosis and an n3 interpretation
1st Workshop on the Semantics of Visual Objects (SEMVO2010) - Deadline extended to Mondary February 22, 2010
Collaboration Pool Formation, Virtual Organisations, ICT Support
I-SEMANTICS 2010 and Pragmatic Web (ICPW 2010) - 2nd Call for Papers
IB2010 - Integrative Bioinformatics Symposium
LODD: new ChEMBL SPARQL end point, requirements for embedding in LODD?
Sp. Issue on Functions: second CFP
BioRDF Telcon
Re: C-SHALS 2010, Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences, Cambridge/Boston, USA, February 25-27 2009
HCLS Minutes
TMO Telcon Minutes
HCLS Terminology conference call is scheduled for MONDAY, February 8, 2010
DERI HCLS KB updated
CSHALS Feb 24-26 2010 !!!
Open position: PhD Researcher on Semantic Interoperability for Integration of clinical Information and Indicators
LODD Telcon
Bio-Ontologies SIG at ISMB 2010 - Call for PAPERS and POSTERS
HCLS Telcon Reminder
CFP, Ontology Repositories and Editors for the Semantic Web
Translational Medicine Ontology Telcon
LODD Telcon
When does a document acquire (web) semantics?
- Re: When does a document acquire (web) semantics?
- Re: When does a document acquire (web) semantics?
- Re: When does a document acquire (web) semantics?
- Re: When does a document acquire (web) semantics?