Re: Article Proposal

I have applied most of what Dan has suggested, except for the example changes - Dan would you take a look at those.


On 12 Dec 2013, at 21:49, Karen Coyle <<>> wrote:

On 12/12/13, 1:04 PM, Dan Scott wrote:

Also, per (c) in,
we need to change the definition of "pages" to better align with Bibo,
now that we have the "pageEnd" and "pageStart" properties. Something

'Describes the pagination of works that do not run across
consecutively numbered pages and thus cannot be simply described by
pageStart and pageEnd (for example, "1-6, 9, 55" or "10-12, 46-49").'

This is one case, but there are other cases as well, so it should say that it carries any paginations that are not divided into first and last, for whatever reason. That includes "123-456" when the software creating the data does not parse these, and things like "xxi, 356p." or "pp. 34-45".

I changed the example correctly

We still need to add itemprop="isPartOf" to connect the article to the
issue, volume, and periodical. Are we aiming for "article isPartOf
issue, which isPartOf volume, which isPartOf Periodical"?

IT's there, under "CreativeWork" - moving it from Collection (which we've already proposed") to CW.


Add more examples - I will copy in the Lord of the Rings multi-volume work
example from the Collection proposal

I would also suggest adding versions of the examples from which include
the standard<> introductory sentence of the example for
context, as well as the before / after<> markup.

Let me know if you want me to make any of these changes.


Karen Coyle<><>
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 23:09:22 UTC