Re: summary un/asserted

On 7/10/24 04:29, Franconi Enrico wrote:
>> On 9 Jul 2024, at 17:01, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> 
>> wrote:
>> A big problem (and one reason that I don't totally believe this proposal) is 
>> using the same IRI or blank node for multiple triple occurrences as in
>>  <:x< :a :b :c >> :d :e .
>>  <:x< :f :g :h >> :d :e .
>> has to be handled by either forbidding it or allowing a node to have 
>> multiple triple occurrences.
> Ok, groundhog day every week: I thought we accepted once and for all the fact 
> that we *should* allow a node to have multiple triple occurrences, as per 
> baseline 
> <>, in 
> order to capture important /use cases/ (not capitalised).
> —e.

Recent WG discussions have been about whether a relationship like rdf:reifies 
should be functional or not, i.e., whether a single node can be related to 
multiple triples via rdf:reifies.   This proposal concerns changing the nature 
of RDF nodes themselves to incorporate a triple as part of the node.   The 
issue is then whether this triple part is a single triple or multiple triples.


Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 11:41:18 UTC