from July 2010 by subject

[Bug 10065] [XPath] Rules for matching substitution groups differ from those in formal semantics

[Bug 10065] New: [XPath] Rules for matching substitution groups differ from those in formal semantics

[Bug 10072] math:sqrt incorrectly listed in section 4.7 "Trigonometric functions"

[Bug 10072] New: math:sqrt incorrectly listed in section 4.7 "Trigonometric functions"

[Bug 10073] New: Problems with the definitions of the trigonometric functions (math:)

[Bug 10073] Problems with the definitions of the trigonometric functions (math:)

[Bug 10074] Missing operator definitions

[Bug 10074] New: Missing operator definitions

[Bug 10089] Missing functions

[Bug 10089] New: Missing functions

[Bug 10097] [XSLT 2.0] Whitespace stripping and error XTRE0270

[Bug 10097] New: Whitespace stripping and error XTRE0270

[Bug 10109] [XSLT] fn:document function does not define what to do when base-node has no base URI

[Bug 10109] fn:document function does not define what to do when base-node has no base URI

[Bug 10109] New: fn:document function does not define what to do when base-node has no base URI

[Bug 10110] New: [XQuery11UC]expected result sample for windowing question 2 seems wrong

[Bug 10119] New: [XSLT 2.1] Erratum E31 not incorporated into XSLT 2.1 draft

[Bug 10134] $err:description should be optional

[Bug 10134] New: $err:description should be optional

[Bug 10162] New: [XSLT 2.0] Named output definitions should be part of static context

[Bug 10163] New: Specifying serialization parameters as an XDM instance

[Bug 10175] New: Using multiple default namespaces

[Bug 10175] Using multiple default namespaces

[Bug 10176] New: [SER] What does it mean to output an XML island as XML?

[Bug 10203] New: [XSLT 2.1] xsl:on-completion/@select

[Bug 10205] Issues in section 16.2 Basic higher-order functions

[Bug 10205] New: Issues in section 16.2 Basic higher-order functions

[Bug 10207] [XPath] Matching abstract schema-element tests

[Bug 10207] New: [XPath] Matching abstract schema-element tests

[Bug 10208] [XQTS] XQueryX of DirectConElemNamespace-6 is not up to date.

[Bug 10208] New: [XQTS] XQueryX of DirectConElemNamespace-6 is not up to date.

[Bug 10209] [XQTS] Some library modules are missing XQueryX versions.

[Bug 10209] New: [XQTS] Some library modules are missing XQueryX versions.

[Bug 10238] New: [XQTS] Error codes for collection tests.

[Bug 10261] [F&O] return value of fn:replace and fn:tokenize if $pattern does not match

[Bug 10261] New: [F&O] return value of fn:replace and fn:tokenize if $pattern does not match

[Bug 10271] [XQuery11]: Wrong error for duplicate decimal format declarations

[Bug 10271] New: [XQuery11]: Wrong error for duplicate decimal format declarations

[Bug 10272] New: [XQuery11]: Missing error for duplicate property names within a single declaration?

[Bug 10273] [XQuery11]: Mistaken allowance of missing DFPropertyName pair in EBNF?

[Bug 10273] New: [XQuery11]: Mistaken allowance of missing DFPropertyName pair in EBNF?

[Bug 10275] New: [F+O 1.1] The third argument of format-number()

[Bug 4653] Suggested improvements to schema for stylesheets

[Bug 4921] [XSLT 2++] Combining group-starting-with and group-ending-with

[Bug 4956] Expected results for fn-doc-23

[Bug 5166] [XSLT 2++] Enhancement: sorting and grouping

[Bug 5319] [DM] Default value now well-defined for mixed content

[Bug 5577] [XSLT 2.1] Composite (multi-part) keys

[Bug 5595] [XQuery11UC] Use Case Sample Queries and XQuery Sample Queries are zero-byte text files

[Bug 6024] [XSLT 2++] Enhancement: modes and schema-awareness

[Bug 6231] [XSLT 2.0] Default default collation

[Bug 6291] [XQuery 1.1] Error code 0096 is overloaded

[Bug 6732] [Ser] Make clear for which values of version parameter the serialization recommendation provides normative definitions

[Bug 6775] DOM-to-DOM transform with method='html' needs to convert no-namespace nodes into the HTML namespace

[Bug 6952] [XSLT 2.0] Is there really a need to prohibit checking of NOTATIONs during validation?

[Bug 7130] [XSLT 2.0] Namespace-alias: two result prefixes bound to same URI

[Bug 7353] [XSLT 2.0] Handling an atomic value of type other than xs:string, xs:anyURI or xs:untypedAtomic with the document function

[Bug 7354] [XSLT 2.0] Meaning of "part of a sequence constructor"

[Bug 7355] [XSLT 2.0] Precise definition of region for which forwards compatibility applies

[Bug 7356] [XSLT 2.0] Need clarification in the definition of circularity

[Bug 7385] [XSLT 2.0] unparsed-text error code for invalid encoding string

[Bug 7410] [XSLT 2.1] Declare context item for a named template

[Bug 7596] [XSLT 2.0] Definition of error XTSE0690

[Bug 7624] [XSLT 2.0] xsl:copy when there is no context item

[Bug 7976] [XSLT 2.1] xsl:analyze-string applied to an empty sequence

[Bug 8217] [XSLT] Confusing text on function conversion rules for sequence constructors

[Bug 8219] [XSLT] Shallow copy and xml:base

[Bug 8253] [XSLT 2.1] Allow xsl:variable before xsl:param

[Bug 8398] [XSLT 2.0] order in result of grouping example is wrong

[Bug 8399] inline schema example still has errors

[Bug 8402] [XSLT 2.1] xsl:number start-at attribute

[Bug 8477] [XSLT 2.0] lang attribute of xsl:sort and xsl:number

[Bug 9070] Invoking XQuery from XSLT

[Bug 9139] [XPath 2.1] Dynamic function calls and context

[Bug 9140] [XSLT 2.0] Order of items within current-group() is unclear

[Bug 9257] The rules for when an implied namespace binding conflicts should be more precise

[Bug 9277] [XSLT 2.1] Allow client application to set initial template parameters

[Bug 9302] [XQuery11] How are output declarations processed?

[Bug 9721] [XSLT 2.1] Support for chameleon modes

[Bug 9722] [XSLT 2.1] Enhancement to conditional modes

[Bug 9734] default initial template

[Bug 9778] [SER] HTML output and namespace undeclaration

[Bug 9812] [XSLT] Excluded namespace nodes and namespace aliases

[Bug 9816] [XQuery] Is there really a need to prohibit checking of NOTATIONs during validation?

[Bug 9840] [XSLT 2.0] xsl:number level="single" has different behaviour to XSLT 1.0

[Bug 9858] [FT] FTStopWordOption and FTCaseOption interaction clarification

[Bug 9916] Allow patterns to access template parameters

[Bug 9925] wrong expected result in w3c_testsuite/XQuery/SchemaImport/SchemaImportProlog/modules-schema-context.xq

[Bug 9927] [XSLT] xsl:number grouping-size

[Bug 9931] [XSLT] Error codes for QName attributes in result-document

[Bug 9934] [FT] Need static error for unsupported FTMatchOptions combinations

[Bug 9957] [XSLT 2.0] Incomplete/obsolete proviso about temporary trees

[Bug 9978] [XSLT] xsl:analyze-string select returning non-xs:string

[Bug 9980] [XSLT] Default value for byte-order-mark in xsl:output

[FT] expected error for W3C test ft-3.4.1-expressions-q2

[FT] FTRange "at most"

[FT] FTStopWordOption and FTCaseOption interaction

[FT] FTStopWordOption semantics insufficient?

[FT] FTWildCardOption observations and question

[XSLT21Req] - catching errors

Last message date: Friday, 30 July 2010 10:18:08 UTC