from March 2016 by subject

[ortc] [RtpParameters] clockRate is per stream, not per codec

[ortc] [RtpParameters] Spec should state that `codec.payloadType` must be unique

[ortc] Certificate API: getAlgorithm method

[ortc] Datachannel's label and protocol should be USVString

[ortc] directionality of rtp headerextensions?

[ortc] Feedback mechanisms - review this list

[ortc] Header extension official list review

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Add abs-send-time extension

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Add gather() method

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Add REMB to feedback messages

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Add to reference list

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: add transport-cc

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Certificate API: getAlgorithm method

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Change log

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Change log updates

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Cleanup the RTX/RED/FEC example

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Datachannel's label and protocol are USVString

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: directionality of rtp headerextensions

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Empty sequences

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: For Generic NACK, RTCRtcpFeedback.parameter is unset

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Garbage collection clarifications

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Header extension list

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Markup fixes

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Multiple encodings can share the same SSRC

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Payload Type Uniqueness

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Receiver "kind" not known until calling receiver.receive()

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: Remove "public" from RTCIceGatherPolicy

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: RTCRtpSender.send(...) kind issue

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: RTX "apt" as a codec param, not encoding param

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: RTX/RED/FEC example

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: SctpTransport state and state change event

[ortc] Merged Pull Request: STUN/TURN error codes

[ortc] Methods that can return null (and attributes that can be null)

[ortc] Pull Request: Add abs-send-time extension

[ortc] Pull Request: Add gather() method

[ortc] Pull Request: Add REMB to feedback messages

[ortc] Pull Request: add transport-cc

[ortc] Pull Request: Certificate API: getAlgorithm method

[ortc] Pull Request: Change log

[ortc] Pull Request: Cleanup the RTX/RED/FEC example

[ortc] Pull Request: Datachannel's label and protocol are USVString

[ortc] Pull Request: directionality of rtp headerextensions

[ortc] Pull Request: Empty sequences

[ortc] Pull Request: Header extension list

[ortc] Pull Request: Markup fixes

[ortc] Pull Request: Multiple encodings can share the same SSRC

[ortc] Pull Request: Payload Type Uniqueness

[ortc] Pull Request: Receiver "kind" not known until calling receiver.receive()

[ortc] Pull Request: Remove "public" from RTCIceGatherPolicy

[ortc] Pull Request: RTCRtpSender.send(...) kind issue

[ortc] Pull Request: RTX "apt" as a codec param, not encoding param

[ortc] Pull Request: RTX/RED/FEC example

[ortc] Pull Request: SctpTransport state and state change event

[ortc] Pull Request: STUN/TURN error codes

[ortc] Receiver "kind" not known until calling receiver.receive()

[ortc] Reverse RTCRtpSender<->RTCDtmfSender composition

[ortc] RRID support

[ortc] RTCRtpCodecCapability options vs parameters

[ortc] RTCRtpSender.send(...) kind issue

[ortc] RTPReceiver encoding parameters are useless

[ortc] RtpSender.send() should just allow a single codec

[ortc] RTX APT capability?

[ortc] RTX apt vs PayloadType within RTCRtpRtxParameters

[ortc] Same payload for different codecs in same RtpSender/RtpReceiver

[ortc] SctpTransport has no state or state change event

[ortc] Section 8.3: Match Rules Issue

[ortc] Split RTCRtpEncodingParameters in RTCRtpEncodingParameters and RTCRtpDecodingParameters

[ortc] SSRC values should not entered by the user

Closed: [ortc] [RtpParameters] clockRate is per stream, not per codec

Closed: [ortc] [RtpParameters] Spec should state that `codec.payloadType` must be unique

Closed: [ortc] Certificate API: getAlgorithm method

Closed: [ortc] Changing ICE servers on an RtcIceGatherer

Closed: [ortc] Datachannel's label and protocol should be USVString

Closed: [ortc] directionality of rtp headerextensions?

Closed: [ortc] Feedback mechanisms - review this list

Closed: [ortc] Header extension official list review

Closed: [ortc] Methods that can return empty lists (and nullable attributes)

Closed: [ortc] Receiver "kind" not known until calling receiver.receive()

Closed: [ortc] Regarding queued candidate events

Closed: [ortc] RRID support

Closed: [ortc] RTCIceGatherPolicy harmonization with WebRTC

Closed: [ortc] RTCRtcpFeedback.parameter should be optional

Closed: [ortc] RTCRtpSender.send(...) kind issue

Closed: [ortc] RTX and ssrc indication

Closed: [ortc] RTX apt vs PayloadType within RTCRtpRtxParameters

Closed: [ortc] SctpTransport has no state or state change event

Closed: [ortc] Section 8.3: Matching Rules Issue

Closed: [ortc] STUN/TURN error codes

Issue 227: RTCIceCandidateComplete dictionary

Issue 438: SSRC values should not be entered by the user

Issue 439: RtpSender.send() should just allow a single codec

Mapping RTX in SDP to ORTC RtpParameters

Need SDP to ORTC good example code

Proposal: face meeting in Madrid

RED and FEC and RTX (and related questions!)

RTX/RED/FEC examples (simulcast!)

Suggested resolution to Issue 406 (RRID): Won't fix

Suggestion for changes to IceGatherer to make it possible to signal IceParameters without gathering

Will your Community Group meet during TPAC 2016?

Last message date: Thursday, 31 March 2016 22:20:25 UTC