Re: Response to your LC Comment -2393 on Media Ontology spec

Dear Thierry,

I most certainly do not cancel my objection.

Please send me the names and email addresses of all persons who
purport to claim that media format definitions do not contain

I have asked the VP8 and Speex media authorities to complete your
ontology forms.

James Salsman

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Thierry MICHEL <> wrote:
> James,
> We need to wrap up this issue in order to allow the MAWG to move forward the
> Media Ontology spec.
> Could you please respond to this email and say:
> 1- that you cancel your formal objection.
> 2- that you agree to the MAWG proposal to include a
> WebM multimedia container format mapping table
> as you had referred to
> 3- Do you plan to send us the WebM multimedia container format mapping
> table, whith the appropriate info ?
> Best,
> Thierry
> Le 12/10/2010 08:54, Thierry MICHEL a écrit :
>> Silvia,
>> This is exactly what I have told James, in my earlier email in response
>> to his last call comment.
>> extract:
>> "To focus on your request to include VP8 and speex in our Ontology, the
>> mapping tables are intended for multimedia *metadata formats*.
>> - VP8 is an open video compression format (codec).
>> - Speex is a free audio codec for Free Speech.
>> These are not *metadata formats*, and therefore not meant to be listed
>> in our mapping tables".
>> As James raised an objection if this 2 formats were not included, I have
>> asked him to provide the 2 mapping tables for Speex and VP8, and see
>> what he could provide ...
>> And, as we had concluded in the MAWG that on the container carries
>> metadata, I have in a couple of emails asked James to provide a mapping
>> table for the media container formats WebM.
>> an pointed to the template to use
>> I am still waiting for James to provide this information if he wants to
>> see it in the spec. A place holder for this containet is already created
>> Cheers,
>> Thierry.
>> Le 12/10/2010 03:43, Silvia Pfeiffer a écrit :
>>> James, Thierry,
>>> Speex and VP8 are codecs and don't by themselves have accessible
>>> metadata.
>>> They, however, are not distributed as codec data, but rather inside media
>>> containers.
>>> When we talk about Speex in files, it comes in an Ogg container and as
>>> such
>>> satisfy your need for a mapping table.
>>> When we talk about VP8 in files, it comes in a WebM container with
>>> Vorbis.
>>> Somebody needs to fill in
>>> If nobody is doing it, let me know and I'll make the time to dig it
>>> out.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Silvia.
>>> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Thierry MICHEL<> wrote:
>>>> Dear James,
>>>> In your latest email to the MAWG response to your comment, you seem to
>>>> disagree with the MAWG proposal.
>>>> "I don't agree with the statement that speex or VP8 are not metadata
>>>> formats. They are audio and audiovisual media formats which contain
>>>> both metadata and data in their specifications.
>>>> This disagreement can be resolved if speex and VP8 are included in the
>>>> media ontology".
>>>> The group is currently discussing your objection. Speex is an audio
>>>> format, and the Ontology spec is mainly incorporating images and video
>>>> metadata formats.
>>>> To move forward, could you please send the MAWG the 2 mapping tables for
>>>> Speex and VP8.
>>>> Please use as template the following tables with the exact name of the
>>>> property being mapped to, like ma:identifier, ma:title, etc.
>>>> and the same columns: Relation, How to do the mapping, Datatype,
>>>> Required
>>>> vs Optional,XPath
>>>> templates:
>>>> Could you please send these ASAP as we are about to release a new
>>>> publication of the Media Ontology spec
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Thierry Michel

Received on Friday, 15 October 2010 04:08:21 UTC