Re: Response to your LC Comment -2393 on Media Ontology spec


We need to wrap up this issue in order to allow the MAWG to move forward 
the Media Ontology spec.

Could you please respond to this email and say:

1- that you cancel your formal objection.
2- that you agree to the MAWG proposal to include a
WebM multimedia container format mapping table

as you had referred to

3- Do you plan to send us the WebM multimedia container format mapping 
table, whith the appropriate info ?



Le 12/10/2010 08:54, Thierry MICHEL a écrit :
> Silvia,
> This is exactly what I have told James, in my earlier email in response
> to his last call comment.
> extract:
> "To focus on your request to include VP8 and speex in our Ontology, the
> mapping tables are intended for multimedia *metadata formats*.
> - VP8 is an open video compression format (codec).
> - Speex is a free audio codec for Free Speech.
> These are not *metadata formats*, and therefore not meant to be listed
> in our mapping tables".
> As James raised an objection if this 2 formats were not included, I have
> asked him to provide the 2 mapping tables for Speex and VP8, and see
> what he could provide ...
> And, as we had concluded in the MAWG that on the container carries
> metadata, I have in a couple of emails asked James to provide a mapping
> table for the media container formats WebM.
> an pointed to the template to use
> I am still waiting for James to provide this information if he wants to
> see it in the spec. A place holder for this containet is already created
> Cheers,
> Thierry.
> Le 12/10/2010 03:43, Silvia Pfeiffer a écrit :
>> James, Thierry,
>> Speex and VP8 are codecs and don't by themselves have accessible
>> metadata.
>> They, however, are not distributed as codec data, but rather inside media
>> containers.
>> When we talk about Speex in files, it comes in an Ogg container and as
>> such
>> satisfy your need for a mapping table.
>> When we talk about VP8 in files, it comes in a WebM container with
>> Vorbis.
>> Somebody needs to fill in
>> If nobody is doing it, let me know and I'll make the time to dig it
>> out.
>> Cheers,
>> Silvia.
>> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Thierry MICHEL<> wrote:
>>> Dear James,
>>> In your latest email to the MAWG response to your comment, you seem to
>>> disagree with the MAWG proposal.
>>> "I don't agree with the statement that speex or VP8 are not metadata
>>> formats. They are audio and audiovisual media formats which contain
>>> both metadata and data in their specifications.
>>> This disagreement can be resolved if speex and VP8 are included in the
>>> media ontology".
>>> The group is currently discussing your objection. Speex is an audio
>>> format, and the Ontology spec is mainly incorporating images and video
>>> metadata formats.
>>> To move forward, could you please send the MAWG the 2 mapping tables for
>>> Speex and VP8.
>>> Please use as template the following tables with the exact name of the
>>> property being mapped to, like ma:identifier, ma:title, etc.
>>> and the same columns: Relation, How to do the mapping, Datatype,
>>> Required
>>> vs Optional,XPath
>>> templates:
>>> Could you please send these ASAP as we are about to release a new
>>> publication of the Media Ontology spec
>>> Best regards,
>>> Thierry Michel

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2010 11:15:34 UTC