from June 2014 by subject

[ISSUE-2] Module suggestions for META-SHARE RDF vocabulary

[ld4lt] MS metamodel: gdoc with the current meta-share items

ACTION-1: release initial use cases and requirements report

Agenda: LD4LT Call Thursday 12th June 13.00 UTC, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST

AW: ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data

Call Reschedule: Ld4lt call Thursday 3rd July 15.00 CEST

ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data

Next call 3pm CEST 12 June

Reminder - Ld4lt call Thursday 15.00 CEST

Last message date: Friday, 27 June 2014 14:08:12 UTC