Re: ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data

Dear all,

  I have not received any comments on this and I would be grateful to 
receive some comments.

Other than that, I am desperately trying to get access to some open TBX 
documents that we can use for incremental refinement and make sure that 
we really cover most of the cases that appear in real world usage 
examples of TBX. We would also use them as examples by including them in 
our codebase so that people can right away see how the converter works.

So ideally, the TBX documents we are looking for would be available 
under a CC license so that they can be redistributed (by attribution of 
course). This would allow us to include them in the codebase.

So please, if anyone has access to open TBX documents please let me know.

Best regards,


Am 12.06.14 15:57, schrieb Philipp Cimiano:
> Dear all,
>  as a further input to this discussion, I would like to mention that 
> Victor Rodríguez Doncel from UPM and myself have been working on an 
> ontology and convertor from TBX data to RDF, based on several standard 
> vocabularies including the non-yet releases ontolex model.
> We are not finished, but I think that this is the right moment to 
> disclose this work calling for comments and input.
> So far, we have developed the following:
> - a TBX ontology, aligned to the TBX data model (attached, not yet 
> completely finished)
> - a conversion to RDF of TBX documents, hosted as a GIT project:
> - a web service to perform this available here:
> - a document describing the conversion (attached).
> Feedback on all of the items is more than welcome.
> And a call to everyone: if anyone has "open" TBX documents that we 
> could use to test the service and provide open examples of input and 
> output that would be a great contribution!
> Thanks for your comments,
> Philipp and Victor
> Am 12.06.14 14:12, schrieb Dave Lewis:
>> Hi Dagmar,
>> Thanks for that, i see the distinction between the terminology 
>> management and lexicon building use cases, the fascinating question 
>> is how far can we address both types of use case from a single model 
>> or how much are separate RDF vocabularies are required.
>> As you can see we have a live issue on terminology management in the 
>> LD4LT community group, driven by requirements from terminology 
>> management tool vendors such as Tilde and Interverbum. Over the last 
>> couple of weeks we've captured a bit more detail on these use cases 
>> which we will document on the group wiki very soon.
>> Further, last week in LocWorld there was strong interest between 
>> commercial terminology management tool vendors in the FALCON project 
>> and the Babelnet implementors to collaborate on a practical 
>> integration to explore TBX-LEMON mappings in more detail, which we 
>> will feed into LD4LT also.
>> It would be great therefore if you and Alan could join the LD4LT 
>> community group (its free - see 
>> and help guide discussion on this issue, your input would be very 
>> welcome.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Dave
>> On 11/06/2014 16:20, Gromann, Dagmar wrote:
>>> Dave,
>>> Thanks for your fast reply.
>>> @Felix: Thank you for sharing my paper.
>>> The use case of this paper is indeed very similar to ontolex use 
>>> cases. However, the terminology interchange model can be used to 
>>> create a terminological layer to domain ontologies along the lines 
>>> of concept-centered terminologies and not a lexicon.
>>> The lexical concept in ontolex groups various senses within one 
>>> language, so each lexicon represents one language. A terminological 
>>> entry groups multilingual, synonymous terms, describes their 
>>> relationships, components, definitions, notes, etc. for a domain. It 
>>> is intended to show terms in use within this domain and create a 
>>> re-usable terminological resources based on an input domain 
>>> ontology. A direct mapping of a lexical sense to a terminological 
>>> entry is possible if the terminology is monolingual and the lexical 
>>> sense is domain-specific, as the former represents a 
>>> language-specific meaning of a concept and the latter is domain- but 
>>> not language-specific. In case of multilingual terminologies, a 
>>> mapping between a language section of T-Mint and a domain-specific 
>>> lexical sense of ontolex should be investigated.
>>> A second major use case is the model's implementation for 
>>> re-engineering existing (XML/DTD) terminologies to RDF or OWL 
>>> resources.
>>> I will try to provide a more detailed comparison soon.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Dagmar
>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von: Dave Lewis []
>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014 16:22
>>> An: Felix Sasaki
>>> Cc: Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group; Gromann, 
>>> Dagmar
>>> Betreff: Re: ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data
>>> Felix, Dagmar,
>>> Thanks for this, very interesting and useful input into this issue. 
>>> The use cases addressed seem very similar to those addressed by the 
>>> lemon ontology and by its application in babelnet.
>>> It would be helpful to get a feeling of how this approach compares 
>>> to and could be mapped to the onto lex approach.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 11 Jun 2014, at 12:20, Felix Sasaki <> wrote:
>>>> HI all,
>>>> some input on this issue from Dagmar Gromann, see CC, which could 
>>>> also help to convert TBX to RDF. I will met her at TKE next week 
>>>> and discuss things further.
>>>> - Felix
>>>> <Tmint_v3.pdf>
>>>>> Am 20.05.2014 um 14:52 schrieb Linked Data for Language Technology 
>>>>> Community Group Issue Tracker <>:
>>>>> ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data
>>>>> Raised by: David Lewis
>>>>> On product:
>>>>> Many localisation and terminology management tools use the XML 
>>>>> Term based eXchange format (TBX) [1][2] to exchange terminological 
>>>>> data. How can this interoperate with lingustic linked data that 
>>>>> supports term or phrase translation, e.g. babelnet [2]?
>>>>> Further TBX resoruces can be found at [3]
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> [3]
> -- 
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> Phone: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 12412
> Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
> Raum 2.307
> Universität Bielefeld
> Inspiration 1
> 33619 Bielefeld


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano

Phone: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 12412

Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
Raum 2.307
Universität Bielefeld
Inspiration 1
33619 Bielefeld

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2014 06:56:40 UTC