Re: User Context IDL Issues
IndieUI meeting minutes for 20 March 2013
ISSUE-11: Discuss "prefers big click targets"
IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 20 March at 21:00Z for 60 minutes
[User Context] added fullKeyboardAccess to general settings
[User Context] added display settings: contrast, grayscale, lightOnDark
[User Context] added audioDescription; changed "Audio Alternatives" to "Media Alternative"
WBS for Wednesday's Teleconference--Please Complete
User context properties as key / value pairs ACTION-43
Wednesdays Telecon; Call for agenda
- Re: Wednesdays Telecon; Call for agenda
- Re: Wednesdays Telecon; Call for agenda
[User Context] general, auditory, and screen reader keys added
Re: pan, rotation, move and zoom request events
- Re: pan, rotation, move and zoom request events