[IndieUI Events] added UIPanRequestEvent (aka panrequest with deltaX/deltaY)
[IndieUI Events] added UIZoomRequestEvent
[IndieUI Events] removed DOMAttrChangeRequest
[User Context] first draft of Preferences interface re: ACTION-9 and ISSUE-6
AUTO: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM is out of the office until 11/05/2012. (returning 11/05/2012)
Belated regrets re Teleconference 28 November 2012
Call for agenda items; Wednesday 28 November Teleconference
Call for Objections: Second teleconference time for IndieUI - reply by 5 December 2012
Editor's drafts URLs have changed
IndieUI Event Interfaces
IndieUI Event Interfaces - Case
IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 14 November 2012 at 18:00Z for 60 minutes
IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 28 November 2012 at 18:00Z for 60 minutes
ISSUE-4: Vendor specific preferences keys
ISSUE-5: DOM event method specification will require coordination with web applications
ISSUE-6: Potentially could have extensions to window level properties. Potentially need to coordinate with web application working group
ISSUE-7: Discuss drag/drop with PF and HTML (need cut/copy markers and well as drop targets)
Minutes IndieUI Teleconference 28 November 2012
Minutes; 14 Nov 2012 Indie UI Teleconference
Several event types are too discrete to be useful for touchscreen input
- Rick Byers (Thursday, 8 November)
- James Craig (Wednesday, 7 November)
- Rick Byers (Tuesday, 6 November)
- James Craig (Monday, 5 November)
- Richard Schwerdtfeger (Monday, 5 November)
- Rick Byers (Monday, 5 November)
- James Craig (Monday, 5 November)
- Richard Schwerdtfeger (Monday, 5 November)
- Rick Byers (Monday, 5 November)
- Richard Schwerdtfeger (Monday, 5 November)
- Rick Byers (Monday, 5 November)
Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2012 15:30:34 UTC