Re: IndieUI Event Interfaces

On 2012-11-05 15:31, James Craig wrote:
> Unless I hear objections, I am going to remove the IDL descriptions
> altogether b/c I’m not sure they add much value.

If you do this, will you then define that the events defined here 
implement the UIEvent interface?

> I had considered the entirely lowercase event names, but AFAIK, not
> all events are defined this way. I’ll look for some other examples,
> but unless I find some good reasons, I’ll make the switch to
> lowercase.

It seems all the events whose names are prefixed with "DOM" (e.g. 
DOMActivate, DOMFocusIn, and the mutation events) are camel case.  So it 
seems the convention is broken at least in those cases.  The common ones 
like mouseover, keypress, etc. are all lowercase.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 15:25:06 UTC