[Closed] Re: Publication request: Authoring Techniques for XHTML& HTML Internationalization: Specifying the language of content 1.0
AGENDA GEO telecon 2005-02-23 [UPDATE]
AGENDA GEO telecon 2005-02-23 [UPDATE]: F2F Agenda items: XSL
AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2005-02-09 at 18:00 UTC/GMT, 10am Seattle, 2pm Boston, 18:00 London, 19:00 Paris, 5am Melbourne
Comment log for John's pulldown faq
Fwd: WG Review: Language Tag Registry Update (ltru)
GEO Tech Plen attendees
Language techniques: biggish changes
Let's publish a new WD of Language Techniques
Minutes 2005-02-09: GEO telecon
New article, hopefully ready for publication
New language techniques
Please review Language techniques changes
Proposal to move resource links from techniques doc
Revised gateway FAQ
Last message date: Monday, 28 February 2005 14:55:07 UTC