Let's publish a new WD of Language Techniques


I've been working away at implementing changes to http://www.w3.org/International/geo/html-tech/tech-lang.html based on the discussions we had.

I have a little more to do, and then I think we should publish a new Working Draft (ie. not the final WG Note, just an interim (but much improved) version that the public are more likely to see).

I'd like us to take a decision to go ahead with the publication at next Wednesday's telecon.

If you have any objections, please send by email before the meeting so we can discuss. (Bear in mind that this is not intended to be perfect - just a snapshot.)

In the meantime, I'll make a few more adjustments related to pros and cons.


Richard Ishida

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Received on Friday, 18 February 2005 14:43:07 UTC