Re: REVERT REQUEST for "crossorigin" attribute

On 2011-06-23 19:31, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 19:24:01 +0200, John Foliot <>
> wrote:
>> I stand, loudly applaud and cheer Julian, then sit back down and shut up.
>> He's said it - how does the WG plan to respond to this very real and
>> honest statement? Are we in Last Call (first, second or 15th?), and does
>> not that mean that the specification is "frozen" for wider review?
> It's quite normal for editor's drafts of Last Call documents to change
> in response to feedback. E.g. something very similar happened to the
> Progress Events specification the WebApps WG is developing.


At some point we need to draw a line between bug fixing, editorial 
improvements, and new features. This is a new feature. New features, as 
far as I can tell, require a new LC.

So can we please be frank about the fact that *this* LC really is a 
request for wider review, and that there really is no doubt that there 
will be another LC?

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 17:39:08 UTC