from January 2015 by subject

[Bug 27725] New: Missing acknowledgments section.

[Bug 27738] New: Need to change name of 'message' event to avoid confusion.

[Bug 27739] New: Change event name 'keyschange' to 'keychange'.

[Bug 27740] New: Suggest changing interface name 'MediaKeyStatuses' to 'MediaKeyStatusMap'

[Bug 27758] New: MSE should provide a reference for sourcing track attributes

[Bug 27790] New: [MSE] Some of the attributes returning TimeRanges objects seem to return a new object each time the getter is invoked

[Bug 27831] New: Inverted parameter descriptions

[Bug 27843] New: [MSE] Should the media element load algorithm trigger detaching from a media element?

[Bug 27854] New: [MSE] Should fetch algorithm failure trigger detaching from a media element?

[Bug 27857] New: [MSE] Reorder SourceBuffer.remove() exceptions handling for consistency

[EME] Action Required: Review bugs to be discussed in the next telecon

[EME] Recent bugs

[EME] Using GitHub Issues


[encrypted-media] Add "pending" or [temporarily] "unknown" value to MediaKeyStatus

[encrypted-media] CDM implementations must support multiple keys per session

[encrypted-media] Consider changing how the MediaKeySession method algorithms run other algorithms to more accurately reflect implementations

[encrypted-media] Define behavior for implementations that delay playback until setMediaKeys() is called

[encrypted-media] Ensure message type is correct for loaded sessions

[encrypted-media] Ensure promises returned by methods are fulfilled before event handlers are executed

[encrypted-media] MediaKeySession.remove() and close() should mark session's keys as "unknown"

[encrypted-media] MediaKeySystemAccess::getConfiguration() should return a read-only object (copy)

[encrypted-media] MediaKeySystemConfiguration returned from MediaKeySystemAccess::getConfiguration() should contain the exact strings from requestMediaKeySystemAccess()

[encrypted-media] Problem about MediaKeySession.keyStatuses get/has methods.

[encrypted-media] Problem about MediaKeySession.keyStatuses key order

[encrypted-media] Provide more guidance on the behavior of the keyStatuses attribute

[encrypted-media] Reference GitHub issues as the primary issue repository

[encrypted-media] Replace "fire a simple event" with "fire an event" for non-simple Events

[encrypted-media] Require that the license match the session type

[encrypted-media] Review close() and remove() logic and behavior for persistent-* sessions

[media-source] Change HTTP Referer

Custom and extending CDM to support other DRM systems

EME next week

Feedback needed for April 2015 face-to-face location by *January 27, 2015*

IE Blog Posting on HLS and DASH Type 1 support

MSE and EME heartbeat publications

{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2015-01-06 - MSE test suite status and bug discussion

{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2015-01-13 - EME status and bug/issue discussion

{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2015-01-20 - EME status and bug/issue discussion, heartbeat publications

{minutes} HTML WG media telecon 2015-01-06 - MSE status

{minutes} HTML WG media telecon 2015-01-13 - EME status and bugs

{minutes} HTML WG media telecon 2015-01-20 - EME status and bugs

Last message date: Saturday, 31 January 2015 16:27:37 UTC