Re: Custom and extending CDM to support other DRM systems


thanks a lot for you answer. Though I would prefer to hear it from the
editors, and to provide possibly any direct contact to start a
discussion which may not be part of this mailing list, but EME does
include indeed as the chart shows different components, and CDM is one
of them.

Thanks in advance for any persons willing to discuss it further, or to
create a different discussion thread to talk about it.

Le 30/01/2015 16:25, Glenn Adams a écrit :
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Emmanuel Poitier
> < <>> wrote:
>     Glenn,
>     thanks for the answer, but I do believe that the EME draft is to
>     be a standard at the end, so I would expect to have the CDM
>     standardized as well as it is part of the EME system.\
> No, it will not be. That is the final word from the WG.
>     I won't mind if this thread can be the start of standardizing the
>     CDM which is in my view essential to have conformance across
>     browsers and to allow any DRM system to be used across all of them.
> This is the wrong forum for such a thread. You need to build support
> among the UA vendors, and if you fail to do that, you won't have any
> chance.
>     Le 30/01/2015 15:58, Glenn Adams a écrit :
>>     On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Emmanuel Poitier
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>         All,
>>         I am currently looking after the information on how to extend
>>         the CDM to support other DRM systems, which is nowadays fixed
>>         and hardcoded for each browsers (IE with PlayReady, Chrome
>>         with Widevine, Safari with FairPlay). It would be nice to
>>         ensure the EME spec does provide information and also how
>>         browsers would support that in an agnostic manner to ensure a
>>         non fragmented market where the user does want to play a
>>         protected video content whatever the browser he is using.
>>     I doubt if anything has changed on this front, but this type of
>>     specification was ruled out of scope for EME. EME uses the term
>>     and concept "CDM" only in a notional manner, and does not specify
>>     any concrete interface to such a component.
>>     It is likely that interface and any mechanism for
>>     adding/extending UA supplied CDMs will remain UA specific, that
>>     is, until some organization steps forward to standardize it
>>     (assuming UA vendors are willing to do that... a dubitable
>>     proposition).
>>         Thanks in advance for any information and help you may provide.
>>         Best regards,
>>         -- 
>>         Emmanuel Poitier- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
>>         Enman
>>         Telephone:+33 (0)2 54 67 15 38
>>         <tel:%2B33%20%280%292%2054%2067%2015%2038> 
>>          Mobile:+33 (0)780 381 124
>>         <>  
>>          Web site:
>     Best regards,
>     -- 
>     Emmanuel Poitier- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
>     Enman
>     Telephone:+33 (0)2 54 67 15 38
>     <tel:%2B33%20%280%292%2054%2067%2015%2038> 
>      Mobile:+33 (0)780 381 124
> <>  
>      Web site:

Emmanuel Poitier- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Telephone:+33 (0)2 54 67 15 38 
 Mobile:+33 (0)780 381 124  
 Web site:

Received on Friday, 30 January 2015 15:35:32 UTC