from June 2008 by subject

[Fwd: OCLC / ISKO-NA Preconference: Everything Need Not Be Miscellaneous: Controlled Vocabularies and Classification in a Web World]

[SKOS comment] Re: Call for Comments: SKOS Primer: W3C Working Draft 21 February 2008

[SKOS] exactMatch issues: ISSUE-72 ISSUE-73 ISSUE-75

[SKOS] ISSUE 77 and ISSUE-40: proposal for postcoordination

[SKOS] transfering formal comments to SWD group (was RE : When did SKOS namespace change, and why?)

aboutness and broader

Gödel was: aboutness and broader

Job announcement: Web Services developer, Max Planck Digital Library, Berlin

Meaning of "broaderTransitive"

multilingual labels in SKOS

Multilingual thesaurus from Wikipedia in SKOS

RDF vocabulary for SKOS Core

RE : [SKOS] transfering formal comments to SWD group (was RE : When did SKOS namespace change, and why?)

RE : aboutness and broader

RE : Meaning of "broaderTransitive"

RE : RE : aboutness and broader

RE : RE : When did SKOS namespace change, and why?

RE : When did SKOS namespace change, and why?

Reminder: Sharing Vocabularies on the Web via SKOS, 21 July London

Sharing Vocabularies on the Web via SKOS, London 21 July 2008

When did SKOS namespace change, and why?

Last message date: Monday, 30 June 2008 11:39:26 UTC