from February 2011 by subject

4th Australian Metadata Conference - 2011 - Call for Presentations and Case Studies

[open-government] Public Data Catalog Priorities and Demand

Best paper award -Sepublica, ESWC workshop

Calls for Papers at the European Journal of ePractice


Fwd: [euopendata] Launch of Europe’s Energy: a new mini-app to put the European energy targets into context!

Fwd: DC ACM Event: The Open Government Directive - A Year Later - 2/17/2011

Fwd: WAI at conferences in March

Government Linked Data Working Group Charter

Jurisdiction Model (was Re: Government Linked Data Working Group Charter)

massive w3c bug?

Nationhood, Governments and Policy

Sign up. Change the IT procurement world. Promote standards.

Web Foundation/CTIC OGD Chile and Ghana reports

Last message date: Sunday, 27 February 2011 11:19:37 UTC