from August 2021 by subject

[dxwg] cardinality constraint for dcat:endpointURL (restrictions in dcat.ttl which are not visible in html) (#1394)

[dxwg] DCAT TTL - The label for the class dcat:Resource (#1388)

[dxwg] Linked Data Subject pages: distributions or data services or non-of-both? (#1390)

[dxwg] new commits pushed by riccardoAlbertoni

[dxwg] On dataset series > sharing a usecase experience (#1395)

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add draft section on inverse properties

[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue 1388

[dxwg] semantics of the dcat:bbox attribute could (should?) be more explicit (#1392)

[dxwg] Suggestion to add dct:format and dcat:mediaType to dcat:DataService (#1381)

[dxwg] Update usage note for 'identifier' (#1325)

Event Invitation: DCAT subgroup

Event Invitation: Plenary

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 August 2021 18:04:18 UTC