Re: [dxwg] semantics of the dcat:bbox attribute could (should?) be more explicit (#1392)

@dr-shorthair yes this seems close to what I meant.
I went through the geosparql spec and there might be compatibility problems with the domains and ranges:

a) domain
geosparql:hasBoundingBox has as domain geo:Feature, which is a geo:SpatialObject. 

So now the question rises if one would like to reuse it, is dct:Location a geo:SpatialObject? If that is not the case then reuse creates discussions. Do you know the answer?

b) range 
geosparql:hasBoundingBox has as range geo:Geometry which is different from dcat:bbox which is a rdfs:Literal

Although the intend of the property is very similar, the chosen modeling is probably not trivially compatible with eachother. And maybe after a more in depth investigation it are properties that cannot be merged.


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