Re: [dxwg] Suggestion to add dct:format and dcat:mediaType to dcat:DataService (#1381)

@bertvannuffelen Sorry for my late reply (because of sommer vacation). 
> If we follow your suggestion then we best take a look to all related properties for a Distribution and discuss their semantics for a Data Service:
> * format
> * mediatype
> * compression format
> * packaging format
> What would be good definitions for them? Are all of them meaningful? Would they make the distinction between Distribution and Data Service more vague or clearer?

* format: We use the following as the usage note (based on the similar one for Distribution): The data format of the data service. May be repeated for data services which provide data in several formats. 
* mediatype: We use the following as the usage note (based on the similar one for Distribution): The media type of the data service. May be repeated for data services which provide data in several media types.  
* compression format: We have not yet registered any need for this one. 
* packaging format: We have not yet registered any need for this one. 
As far as we see it, including those properties per se doesn't make the distinction between Distribution and Data Service more vague nor more clearer. The distinction should be made at the class level (what they should be used to represent). 

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