Best Practice 2 - Title and the use of the term format

Hi all,

The term *format* is being used in the text in different contexts and can
confuse the reader.

The title of Best Practice 2 is: "Provide metadata in different *formats*"

Then we have a kind of subtitle: "Metadata should be provided for both
humans and machines"

So the formats are (I guess): human-readable; machine-readable.

In the text of BP2 we have: "Metadata for machines is best provided either
as an alternative representation of the Web page in a *format *such as
Turtle or JSON-LD (for RDF)...."

We have also file formats: XML, CSV, JSON...

Maybe we have to qualify the term format when we use it. So, Turtle is a
serialization format, CSV is a file format, etc.


I propose a more straight title to BP2: "Provide metadata for both humans
and machines"

What do you think about this?


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Received on Monday, 19 January 2015 13:43:30 UTC