Minor updates to UCR

Dear all,

I spent some time on a plane last week reviewing the UCR doc and have 
just made a series of minor changes based on that.

@Dee - apart from minor language changes I've added a few extra reqs to 
existing UCs. Also removed the two blanks UCs (SLAs and data versioning).

@Adriano, if possible, can you please add hyperlinks to your use case. 
There are lots of references there to projects and initiatives - it 
would be good to link to them if you think it appropriate. Please only 
include links in which you have confidence of reasonable persistence!

Apart from that and a quick spell check this looks OK to me.

I've also updated the TTL file.




Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Monday, 19 January 2015 13:20:59 UTC