from June 2024 by subject

[accelerometer] beta134 (#79)

[battery] Add an explicit use cases and requirements section (#25)

[compute-pressure] "Current pressure state" definition and cardinality are confusing (#281)

[compute-pressure] Add an Automation section with WebDriver support to the spec (#284)

[compute-pressure] Add Raphael Kubo da Costa as editor (#287)

[compute-pressure] Add source "cpu-same-origin" (#289)

[compute-pressure] Add WebDriver support (#282)

[compute-pressure] Attempt to add Automation section and WebDriver support (#265)

[compute-pressure] Automation section and WebDriver support (#265)

[compute-pressure] automation: Consider adding WebDriver BiDi actions in addition to the WebDriver Classic endpoints (#288)

[compute-pressure] automation: Decide whether shared workers should be supported (#285)

[compute-pressure] automation: Pressure types supported in WebDriver are the same as what PressureObserver.knownSources returns (#286)

[compute-pressure] data delivery: Set `timestamp` as an "unsafe shared current time" (#280)

[compute-pressure] data delivery: Use right time-related variable in passes rate test check (#279)

[compute-pressure] Make PressureObserver.observe() and data delivery algorithm less vague (#283)

[compute-pressure] Properly determine bfcache integration strategy (#275)

[device-posture] Accessibility checklist (#147)

[device-posture] Add two new comments from the accessibility review. (#149)

[device-posture] Device posture and direction interaction (#151)

[device-posture] Wide review tracker (#146)

[deviceorientation] Alternative orientation representations? (#182)

[deviceorientation] Combined permission request is problematic (#183)

[deviceorientation] fire an orientation event need to use the dictionary (#184)

[deviceorientation] Guidance needed: how to acquire compass headings in a future-compatible manner? (#137)

[deviceorientation] How to check when permission is denied? (#148)

[deviceorientation] Make DeviceMotionEventInit members nullable with null default (#141)

[geolocation-api] Correction: check for non-secure contexts (#157)

[geolocation-api] Correction: Update acquisition algorithm to define data types and handle cached positions (#153)

[geolocation-api] Define the units of `accuracy` (#160)

[geolocation-api] Disable /TR/ publication for errata.html (#158)

[geolocation-api] minor text fix, for pubrules (#159)

[geolocation-api] repo name nit: it'd be nice if this were simply w3c/geolocation (#154)

[geolocation-api] Update implementation report (#163)

[geolocation-sensor] Background geofencing (#62)

[geolocation-sensor] Mark as Discontinued Draft and continue in Geolocation API (#60)

[geolocation-sensor] Update status of this document (#61)

[vibration] [DRAFT] TAG review request (#40)

[vibration] Accessibility Checklist (#37)

[vibration] Internationalization Checklist (#38)

[vibration] ISSUE-146: Add vibration strength control (#17)

[vibration] Security and Privacy Self-review (#36)

[vibration] Update implementation report (#33)

[vibration] Wide review tracker (#39)

Closed: [accelerometer] beta134 (#79)

Closed: [compute-pressure] Add WebDriver support (#282)

Closed: [compute-pressure] Is PressureRecord.time a timestamp or a time that is relative to timeOrigin? (#257)

Closed: [device-posture] Accessibility checklist (#147)

Closed: [device-posture] Internationalization checklist (#148)

Closed: [geolocation-api] /TR/ missing from latest published version for ED (#155)

Closed: [geolocation-api] Define the units of `accuracy` (#160)

Closed: [geolocation-api] Non-secure context check vanished from the spec (#156)

Closed: [geolocation-api] repo name nit: it'd be nice if this were simply w3c/geolocation (#154)

Closed: [vibration] [DRAFT] TAG review request (#40)

Last message date: Friday, 28 June 2024 05:15:18 UTC