from July 2022 by subject

[community-group] $deprecated property? (#118)

[community-group] $type should be a required property (#139)

[community-group] Add "Option" and "Alias" token clusters (#145)

[community-group] Additional property -> "$reference" (for alias tokens) (#141)

[community-group] Additional property -> $comment (#146)

[community-group] Animation description by solely Bezier Curve is inadequate (#158)

[community-group] Can extensions be applied on the group level? (#106)

[community-group] Clarify if manually typing and reading token files is a primary concern (#149)

[community-group] Confusion regarding terms: GUI tool vs. Design tool & Translation tool vs. Export tool (#152)

[community-group] Design token additional properties (description, type, extensions) need to be in 5.2.x instead of 5.3, 5.4 etc. (#154)

[community-group] Design Token property called "metadata" appears only one time in the document (#155)

[community-group] Gradient type feedback (#101)

[community-group] High contrast colors (#91)

[community-group] How should tools process higher fidelity values than they can handle internally? (#157)

[community-group] How to define a token that references a local file? (#132)

[community-group] Include mathematics in the format specification (#153)

[community-group] Legacy color (#137)

[community-group] Merged Pull Request: refactor(part 3): add documentation tool section, improve grammar & add some URLs

[community-group] Merged Pull Request: refactor(part 6.2.2): fix overflow-x caused by a non responsive image

[community-group] Pre-defined composite type for refering color modifications (e.g. rgba) (#88)

[community-group] Promote ISO standards in units representation (#159)

[community-group] Pull Request: refactor(part 6.2.2): fix overflow-x caused by a non responsive image

[community-group] Pull Request: refactor(types,duration): allow time durations to be expressed in ISO 8601 format

[community-group] Pull Request: refactor: rename "GUI tool" => "design tool", and "export tool" => "translation tool"

[community-group] refactor(part 3): add documentation tool section, improve grammar & add some URLs (#150)

[community-group] refactor(part 6.2.2): fix overflow-x caused by a non responsive image (#151)

[community-group] refactor(types,duration): allow time durations to be expressed in ISO 8601 format (#160)

[community-group] refactor(vocabulary): rename "GUI tool" => "design tool", and "export tool" => "translation tool" (#156)

[community-group] refactor: rename "GUI tool" => "design tool", and "export tool" => "translation tool" (#156)

[community-group] Split units and values in type definitions (#121)

[community-group] Status object: simplified audit/decision history (#161)

[community-group] Tokens group $extends property proposal (#116)

[community-group] Typography type feedback (#102)

Closed: [community-group] Include mathematics in the format specification (#153)

Last message date: Friday, 29 July 2022 07:45:58 UTC