Call for Review: Applying WCAG to Non-Web ICT
H69 is not a sufficient technique for SC 2.4.1
ITI comments on the first public draft of “Applying WCAG to Non-Web ICT”
Known failures should include setting main page container overflow to hidden preventing scrollbars
Misunderstandings about the character of the techniques
Provide Technique(s) using PDF/UA
quote should be removed from test in H49, semantics of elements depending on doctype
resize text verssus zoom
Test does not require check whether user-entered data is re-displayed
Test procedure Example 4 will not work in all documents
title attributes on images - SC 1.1
Wcag 2.0 - H91: Using HTML form controls and links
Web page colours
Last message date: Thursday, 27 September 2012 22:02:41 UTC