from October to December 2012 by subject

[Bug 18888] Angosso

[Bug 19652] Ipod

[Bug 19652] New: Ipod

[comment] Allowing the modifications of HTTP Request headers

Added Makefile to WebDriver spec

Agenda for the Browser Testing and Tools WG meeting, TPAC (Tuesday)

Browser Automation Working Group at TPAC.

Call for Exclusions (Update): WebDriver

Fwd: Agenda for the Browser Testing and Tools WG meeting, TPAC (Monday)

New W3C Mail List - Test the Web Forward!

Publishing a new version of the WD

Seeking status of WebDriver spec by the Browser Test Tools WG

should profiles be a separate, optional, section in capabilities

TPAC agenda for Browser Tools and Testing

Web & TV IG plans for a Testing Task Force

Last message date: Friday, 28 December 2012 19:47:09 UTC