   Dan and Lisa have suggested that we need to more clearly define either
the use of the lockowner field or that we need a way to identify the owner
of the lock.

> > (Especially because the spec provides
> > no way to reliably determine who owns a lock.)

> This is a good point -- and this is already a failing of WebDAV, with or
> without UNLOCK_BY_NON_LOCK_OWNER.  Clients that crash or miss the
> from the server need to make sure that the lock is theirs before grabbing
> the lock token using PROPFIND.  Can lockowner be used for this purpose?

> This should be a separate RFC2518 issue.  How about

Just as a point of information, I'd like to point out we have an issue on
the issues
list that is somewhat related: DEFINE_PRINCIPAL.
In that issue Mark D Anderson says:

  The term "principal" is never defined in the WebDAV
   specification, or the HTTP or Digest specifications.
   It should be defined.

Lisa and Dan,
  Could you define the requirement before we start the discussion?  For
example, is it for the server or the client that we need to make the
clarification below?  (I'll reference your clarfication from the issues


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Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2002 18:11:59 UTC