from February 2016 by subject

[minutes] WebRTC Virtual Interim 25 Feb 2016

[webrtc-pc] Add API to control encrypted header extensions for RTP

[webrtc-pc] avoid risk of reentrancy

[webrtc-pc] can't use MUST on scaleResolutionDownBy input

[webrtc-pc] Certificate API: Do we need certificate introspection?

[webrtc-pc] Clarify ICE consent freshness feedback

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: Fix typos relating to RTCRtpSender objects.

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: getSenders/getReceivers: optional kind parameter

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: Make DataChannels Transferable and explain the implications

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: Make RTCDataChannels Transferable

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: RID as read-only in setParameters()

[webrtc-pc] File a WebIDL issue to add the DOMException names WebRTC needs

[webrtc-pc] Handling the stopping of a track should be described

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Add activateReceiver method to RTCRtpTransceiver

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Add getParameters() method to RTCRtpReceiver

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Add PeerConnection.activateSender() and update early media example.

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Change setParameters call to be Async

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Definition of Active for an RTCRtpReceiver

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Fix "transeceivers" typos

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Fix a typo

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Fix to use correct character

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Gather spec text about the ICE Agent at one place (also fixes: #331 and #332)

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Link cleanup (and typos)

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Need to specify error when rejecting invalid SDP changes

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Replace DOMError with DOMException

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Reserve and use RangeError for scaleResolutionDownBy < 1.0.

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: RID unmodifiable in setParameters()

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Support for DTMF Tones

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Update error reports to align with existing DOM Errors

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Use 'connection' as configuration target instead of User Agent (issue: #511)

[webrtc-pc] NetworkError event is not defined and might not be needed

[webrtc-pc] PING review of webrtc-pc spec

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: A stab at addressing Issue #478.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add error codes reference

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add getParameters() method to RTCRtpReceiver

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add STUN Error Code reference

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add text about 'remote sources' and how they are stopped (issue #513)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Certificate API: add keygenAlgorithm attribute

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Enable trickling of end-of-candidates through addIceCandidate.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix "transeceivers" typos

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix a typo

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix to use correct character

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix typos relating to RTCRtpSender objects.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Gather spec text about the ICE Agent at one place (also fixes: #331)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Link cleanup (and typos)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Make the definition of addIceCandidate() more explicit (issue: #336)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Need to specify error when rejecting invalid SDP changes

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: proposed fix to issue #492

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Remove state check when ICE Agent is initialized (state is predictable)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Reserve and use RangeError for scaleResolutionDownBy < 1.0.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: RID as read-only

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: RID unmodifiable in setParameters()

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Support for DTMF Tones

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Use 'connection' as configuration target instead of User Agent (issue: #511)

[webrtc-pc] RID as read-only

[webrtc-pc] RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent errorCode not defined

[webrtc-pc] Setting iceCandidatePoolSize to a non-zero value may initiate gathering

[webrtc-pc] should "queue a task to fire a simple event"

[webrtc-pc] The 'set a configuration' algorithm should modify a 'connection' rather than the User Agent

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Add activateSender() method

Closed: [webrtc-pc] can't use MUST on scaleResolutionDownBy input

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Creating an ICE agent is not defined

Closed: [webrtc-pc] DOMError is removed from the platform; use DOMException instead

Closed: [webrtc-pc] getSenders/getReceivers: optional kind parameter?

Closed: [webrtc-pc] impact of bundle and rtcp-mux on the number of Transports

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Need to specify error when rejecting invalid SDP changes

Closed: [webrtc-pc] RID as read-only in setParameters()

Closed: [webrtc-pc] RTCRtpSender.get/setParameters is underspecified

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Section 5.2.4: Definition of Active for an RTCRtpReceiver

Closed: [webrtc-pc] should "queue a task to fire a simple event"

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Support for DTMF tones A-D

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Work through error definitions

Dropping SDP-specific errors

How to signal loss of consent freshness

I created PR 527, enabling trickling of end-of-candidates

Issue 497: RID as read-only in setParameters()?

maxHeight and maxWidth

New webrtc-pc Editor's draft (v20160215)

Pull Request: Add activateReceiver method to RTCRtpTransceiver

Section 5.2.4: Definition of Active for an RTCRtpReceiver

Should we add a RIDs parameter to PeerConnection.addTrack?

Should we get drop RTCAnswerOptions?

Virtual Interim - Starts in 5 mins, join now.

W3C WG Virtual Interim - February 25 - 1pm PST

WebRTC Virtual Interim Meeting - Scribe?

Last message date: Monday, 29 February 2016 22:25:09 UTC