from June 2008 by subject

5680 fix errors in schematron variable substitution support text & example

[Bug 5499] Explanation of notation for { } and [ ]

[Bug 5513] Why does SML define sml:ref instead of using XLink

[Bug 5519] Relationship between SML model validity and XSD validity assessment needs to be precisely defined

[Bug 5520] Why is document defined as a character sequence?

[Bug 5522] The term "containing element" is not clear

[Bug 5523] Discuss the behavior of GET on URI

[Bug 5526] What does "nested to any depth" mean?

[Bug 5528] xs:import for SML namespace is unnecessary

[Bug 5529] Clarify Appendix C

[Bug 5532] The previous-draft links are out of date

[Bug 5541] Why is schema-less identification of reference elements important?

[Bug 5542] How are SML URIs absolutized

[Bug 5545] Reconcile SML URIs with RFC3986

[Bug 5546] Reconcile SML-IF with RFC 2557

[Bug 5598] title of section 4.2.7, deref() XPath Extension Function

[Bug 5636] why prohibit rules on local decls/defs described by other specs?

[Bug 5637] inconsistencies in language for rule attachment to schema components

[Bug 5638] fix consistency of language for schematron constraints

[Bug 5653] Final vocabulary clean-up

[Bug 5656] Defining interoperability for user-defined reference schemes

[Bug 5657] Define implementation-defined and -dependent, use consistently

[Bug 5679] fix disparity between SML & SML-IF specs regarding SML ref targets

[Bug 5680] fix errors in schematron variable substitution support text & example

[Bug 5707] clarify SML reference resolution when sml:uri value is an empty string

[Bug 5710] Sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.1 - mismatch of definitions

[Bug 5712] Missing word "global" in schema annotation.

[Bug 5715] add definition of the term 'processor'

[Bug 5720] Inconsistent languge describing sml references and schemes

[Bug 5721] Statement about definitions in definition docs vs. instance docs would help

[Bug 5740] Inconsistent requirements for using PSVI after 5541 adopted

[Bug 5740] New: Inconsistent requirements for using PSVI after 5541 adopted

[Bug 5741] 4.3.1 SML URI Reference Scheme item 2 - clarify relationship to rfc 3986 and terminology

[Bug 5741] New: 4.3.1 SML URI Reference Scheme item 2 - clarify relationship to rfc 3986 and terminology

[Bug 5760] definitions and uses of "target" disagree

[Bug 5760] New: definitions and uses of "target" disagree

[Bug 5761] Change to rfc 2119 keywords

[Bug 5761] New: Change to rfc 2119 keywords

[Bug 5767] Define "SML constraints"

[Bug 5767] New: Define "SML constraints"

[Bug 5788] New: target complete identifiers - distinguish between before-normalization input and after-normalization output

[Bug 5788] target complete identifiers - distinguish between before-normalization input and after-normalization output

[Bug 5790] New: reduce the "all bets are off" consequence of unreachable documents

[Bug 5790] reduce the "all bets are off" consequence of unreachable documents

[Bug 5797] New: SML validity appeal to schema-validity is underspecified

[w3c sml] [minutes] 2008-05-29 SML

[w3c sml] [minutes] 2008-06-05 SML

[w3c sml] not getting bugzilla emails

[w3c sml][agenda] 2008-06-05 SML

[w3c sml][agenda] 2008-06-12 SML Telecon

[w3c sml][agenda] 2008-06-18 SML telecon

[w3c sml][agenda] 2008-06-23 to 208-06-25 SML Face to Face

[w3c sml][minutes] 2008-06-12 SML Teleconference

[w3c sml][minutes] 2008-06-19 SML telecon


Your comments on SML LC

Last message date: Monday, 30 June 2008 05:11:31 UTC