agenda GRDDL WG weekly 21 Feb in progress

Harry's giving a talk or something, so I started working on the agenda

Here's a snapshot of what I've got so far. I'm not sync'd with Harry,
so take it with a grain of salt.
$Revision: 1.88 $ of $Date: 2007/02/20 17:29:01 $

   1. *Convene GRDDL WG <> meeting of
          * Zakim teleconference bridge
            <>: +1.617.761.6200
            code:GRDDL <tel:+1.617.761.6200;postd=47335> (res 2284

                o supplementary IRC chat: #grddl-wg on port
                  6665 <irc://>
          * chair: HarryH
          * scribe: ??
          * roll call, comments on the agenda.
            regrets: Fabien
          * propose to note complete without discussion:
                o [DONE] ACTION: DanC to address rreck's comments
          * *PROPOSED:* to approve GRDDL WG Weekly -- 14 Feb 2007
            as a true record
          * *PROPOSED: to meet again Wed, 28 Feb 11:00-0500*. scribe
   2. * [#issue-conformance-labels]
          * [DONE]
            ACTION: DanC write the draft "conformance label" text, and
            ask johnL and rreck and bwm (jeremy) to re-read spec.

      "GRDDL-aware agent" or "GRDDL agent"?

   3. *[#issue-http-header-links]
          * *ACTION:* bwm (Jeremy) to attempt a test-case for HTTP
            Header. See message
            from Jeremy. See his comment on mixing Headers and document
          * *ACTION: DanC* DanC to add GRDDL header spec section
          * *ACTION: HarryH* to e-mail Ivan to double-check this
            [schedule impact of Profile header dependency]
          * *ACTION: ?WHO* IETF Link and Profile Headers to be included
            as "feature at risk", and dropped if they are not approved
            by IETF by time of move to Proposed Recommendation. suggest
            reword as: ACTION HarryH: seek registration of the HTTP
            Profile header
   4. *GRDDL Spec: Last Call*
          * *ACTION: Ian* to clarify profileTransformation for JJC
          * [DONE]
            ACTION: JohnL comments on spec
          * [DONE]
            ACTION: Danja comments on spec. see also comments on
   5. *Primer Document: Going To Last Call?*
          * *ACTION: HarryH* to check those primer fixes [XFN RDF/XML?] in.
          * *ACTION:*Danja to approve Primer
          * [DONE]
            ACTION: HarryH to check Chime's text on HL7 Use-Case into
          * [DONE]
            ACTION: RReck to approve Primer
          * Primer now has Working RDFa example
   6. *Use-Case Document: Going To Last Call?*
          * *ACTION:*Danja to approve Use-Case Document
          * [DONE]
            ACTION: BrianS to approve Use-Case Document

      note JohnL on use cases

   7. *Misc Test-Cases nominated for approval*
          * *ACTION:* HarryH to check in a test case on content
            negotiation [DONE]. PROPOSE to approve test-case #langconneg
          * *ACTION:* bwm to produce a test case with GRDDL transforms
            on two different representations (HTML and SVG) of the same
            information resource [DONE]
   8. *tests for [#issue-mt-ns]
          * *ACTION: HarryH* Test case with GRDDL on RDF served as
            media type.
          * *ACTION: Harry* to make 2 test-cases for "what happens if
            data-view:transformation is given on an rdf:RDF root
            element" serving two different media-types[DONE]. PROPOSE to
            approve test-case #grddlonrdf
          * *ACTION: danja* sketch the "no, namespace documen triples
            aren't part of grddl results" test in e-mail and ask bwm to
            check it
   9. *tests for [#issue-faithful-infoset]
          * *ACTION:* Chime to work on details of 2 allowed results of
            xinclude test /2 weeks/
  10. *tests for [#issue-base-param]
          * *ACTION:* DanC to double-check bwm's test-case on

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 17:38:20 UTC