from July 2009 by subject

4.1.5 and 4.2.9 unclear - AND or OR

[agenda] MWBP Teleconference 2009-07-21

[minutes] Tuesday 30 June 2009 teleconf

[minutes] Tuesday 7 July 2009 teleconf

ACTION-928: progress registration of the X-Device-*

ACTION-986: Enquire as to status of CSS Media Queries specification

ACTION-991: mailing-list for conformance statements for the CT guidelines

ACTION-994: CSS MQ / secondary issues.

ACTION-994: Some evidence of CSS MQ in the wild

Away 3-13 July

BPWG Teleconference 2009-07-07

BPWG Teleconference 2009-07-14

FYI: Jakob Nielsen post on mobile web user experience

Minutes 14-07-2009

Minutes of (short) telco 21 July 2009

MWABP: general / Yahoo guidelines

MWABP: Revised text for Device Capability Detection.

MWBP teleconference 2009-07-28 canceled, next call on 2009-08-11

Overlap between Mobile Web (MWBP) and Accessibility (WCAG) Published

Tiny error in mobileOK scheme

Word Press Plugs-ins compared

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 July 2009 10:49:59 UTC