Terminology: does an XML Schema "declare" a targetNamespace? "specify" a targetNamespace?
- Re: Terminology: does an XML Schema "declare" a targetNamespace? "specify" a targetNamespace?
XML Schema 1.1 Best Practice: Positioning Additional Constraints
Re: No external markup declarations present - referenced entity 'è' must be declared.
No external markup declarations present - referenced entity 'è' must be declared.
Re: XSD for 'at least one of'
Re: Classroom critique of XML Schema 1.1 (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classroom critique of XML Schema 1.1
- Re: Classroom critique of XML Schema 1.1
- RE: Classroom critique of XML Schema 1.1
- Re: Classroom critique of XML Schema 1.1
What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?
- Re: What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?
- Re: What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?
- Re: What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?
- Re: What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?
- Re: What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?
- Re: What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?
- [Summary] What is lost if xsd:choice is jettisoned?