Re: Terminology: does an XML Schema "declare" a targetNamespace? "specify" a targetNamespace?

On 27/03/2011 14:47, Costello, Roger L. wrote:
> Thanks Michael.
> Let me put my spin on what I think you said:
>      Each element and attribute that is declared in an XML Schema
>      document acquires a namespace property by virtue of the presence
>      of the targetNamespace attribute on the xs:schema element.
> Is that correct?

Not quite. An Element Declaration has a property called {target 
namespace}. You can find a list of the properties of an Element 
Declaration here:

> This is an embarrassingly simple question:
>      A namespace is a "property" is an element. Yes?
> I've never thought of a namespace as being a "property" of an element. What other "properties" do element's have? If an element has attributes, are those attributes a "property" of the element?
> /Roger
Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 28 March 2011 08:36:37 UTC